Chapter Eleven

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"What do you want ?" I said holding my head in my hand. It was really hurting now.

"Look I just came to say I'm sorry."

"Tried that on the park remember how that turned out ?" I said while closing the door.

Marcus put his foot in front before I could close it completely.

"Look I know I messed up- "

"Yuh' think ?" I said before he could complete his sentence.

"I just want to make things right again."

"How by me sleeping with you ?"

"You know I wouldn't mind that."

"Go away Marcus !"

"I'm joking ! But seriously I wouldn't mind getting to know you."

"I'm sorry did you ask your girlfriend if it was okay ? I don't want you getting dumped again"

"We're not together jenny !"


"I broke up with her so I could be with you." He looked me square in the eyes.

"Good bye Marcus."

I closed the door with success this time. I honestly couldn't take it today.

I have to end stuff with Patrick and get back on track . I can't do this.


"Wow your actually waiting for me this morning." Tavie told me as I entered the car.

"Haha very funny."

We rode to school in silence , which was weird because that has never happened. Even when our parents used to drop us to school.

We arrived at school and went to our respected lockers.

"Awh crap, any of you guys have a purple pen ? "

"Here you go "


While Nekha & I were exchanging pens I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Yes ?" I turn completely around & a little too fast.

"Good morning !" I saw a bright smile from Alanzo.

"Oh , morning" I'm blushing , why am I blushing ? Of course I'm blushing look at him ; he's one of a kind.

"Uhm , I was thinking because we're in the same class that we could walk together. If that's okay with you I mean."

"Oh yeah that's cool , I just have to finish get my stuff out of my locker."

I turn to finish retrieve my books.

"All done." I said while closing my locker.

"After you." He said while stepping back.

"Aww thank you."

I start walking but not too fast so he could catch up. We walk in step with each other our foot hitting the ground with the same pattern.

"So , how was your weekend?" Alanzo asked me to start the conversation.

How was my weekend ? It was a total drag, I had a crappy weekend. But, of course I wasn't about to tell him that.

"Oh it was ... Okay I guess."

"Yeah ? What'd you do ?"

Oh nothing just fucked my mom boyfriend. "I went on the park with my friends and had dinner with my mom. Sounds lame but, - a shrug- that's it."

"Lame ? Nothing's lame with you. Your weekend sounds great if you ask me."

"Really ?" That's because you only know the half of it.

"Yeah,your awesome."

"Aww thank you." We continued walking down the hall which i wished were longer. I love talking to Alanzo he's so natural and is easy to form a conversation with. He's a really cool person.

".... Yeah so , I learned my lesson"

We laughed at the same time , a nose ring. He had a nose ring. I never saw that. We pause and look into each other's eyes. He's really gorgeous.

"Eh em" Mr. Loe said before we could get any further in out session, not that we had one.

I turned around in complete flush and walked straight to my seat.

"Okay class today we'll be learning about-"

I didn't hear nothing after that, seriously. I couldn't get Alonzo out of my head. He's so nice & dreamy. He's just great, I wonder if he want kids. I wish he does, it'll be great to have a family together. We could go on picnics and watch movies and -

"Jenny !"

"Uh .. Yes ?"

"Did you hear anything I just said ?"

I couldn't answer , I honestly didn't hear a thing.


"Pay attention young lady !"

"Yes sir"

With that I buried my head into my book. I love being the center of attention , but not this kind.

"Mr. Loe ? May I have a second to speak to you?" Our schools secretary was at the door.

"Sure, class excuse me."

He went into the hall to talk to Ms.hall

"Jenny , the principal would like to meet with you."

"Me ?"

I got up and slowly walked to the door. What in the world could she possibly want with me ?

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