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Mike walked towards his house and went into his room locking it and grabbing something out of the closet, he quickly examined it with a disgusted look,

"can't believe I'm doing this" he false gagged, and snickered to himself before placing the costume on his bed so he can change into it till later.

He then stepped out of the room unlocking it taking a peek out before slowly closing the door slowly and turned around going downstairs silently and turned around slightly seeing Nancy come out of her room. He immediately went downstairs and out the front door accidentally slamming it, he ignored his mother's callings and rode to Will's house.

As soon as he got to Will's house he dropped his Bike on Will's lawn and walked up to the doorstep but before he could knock, Will then answered hushing him and shoving him in. They both walked to his room and Will held a frightened look on his face.

"Whats wrong?" Mike questioned taking a seat on Will's bed.

Will sat down next to him and crossed his legs looking at Mike before responding.

"Someone just moved into the front house," Will said looking down fiddling with the string on his joggers.

"and?" Mike asked using a facial expression as if he was telling him to go on.

"He came to my house today and it was super awkward" Will took a breather before proceeding.

"I talked about Eleven and how she had awesome powers and he didn't seem to believe me so I told him he can meet her and he accepted to meet her today, so I invited him to go trick-or-treating with us," Will said and took a deep breath looking at Mike, worried.

"No, we have enough people in our group, and Max just joined," Mike told Will getting up from the bed.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry" Will replied getting up too.

"Let's go tell him he can't come then," Mike said leaving the room Will trailing behind.

They walked past Will's hall of family photos which were mostly him and his brother and went out the front door carefully shutting it and Mike stopped and spun around looking at Will.

"You knock, I'll talk," Mike announced and Will agreed and followed Mike across the street. Mike and Will went up the steps, Will going forward knocking quickly and went behind Mike who took a deep breath.

As soon as the door unlocked Mike looked at the women who raised her eyebrow toward them, 


"We came to see your son," Mike said remembering Will didn't even tell him the name of the boy.

The women nodded and glanced towards the staircase, before screaming loudly,

"Alex some kids are looking for you" She then turned to smile at the boys and turned around walking off.

A boy with brown curly hair and coffee-colored doe eyes with deep freckles came downstairs, Mike noticed the boy was wearing a red sweatshirt and some black pants.

He then beamed at both of them and Mike looked at Will flustered before looking at Alex once again.

"We just wanted to stop by and remind you that'll you'll be hanging with us this Halloween and we - yeah - bye," Mike said turning around shoving Will towards his house.

Alex furrowed his eyebrows closing the door and walking back to his room to listen to music and use his phone.

"Mike what was that" Will booed as soon as they got back to Will's house.

"I panicked," Mike said groaning throwing himself back on Will's bed. Will chuckled before deciding to respond to Mike.

"Now you know how I felt, I'm not sure it was because he was intimidating" Will stated

"Definitely not" Mike replied gazing towards the light bulb that flickered and turned off causing both boys to look at each other.

Will walked towards the window opening the curtains light to come in, he then looked at Mike who had worried eyes and sighed.

"We're going to be okay, it can't get us no more" Will said unsurely but that was enough for Mike to stay calm.

Mike stood up checking the time on his phone before heading out making sure to say bye to Will. He pulled up his bike hopped on and rode away from Wills house.

On the way there he settled by the small market and purchased himself a snack and held it on one hand and his other hand directing the handles of the bicycle.

Once he got home, he teared up the packet of gummy bears tossing one into his mouth and walking towards his house opening it and going inside, it was oddly quiet inside so he went to the kitchen to see if there was anyone there. He looked at the kitchen counter and picked up the note that was settled on it.

it had read;

mom and dad have gone on date. nancy and holly at grandmas house. go straight home after out with friends

Mike shrugged, he was not use to being alone due to his family being home almost all the time now, ever since the incident. He exited the kitchen heading towards his room and looked at the ridiculous costume the group had agreed to wear.

He then picked a normal outfit from his closet not wanting to wear the costume, he didn't want Alex to make fun of him though he doubted he would've made fun of them, he seemed nice. He just wanted to look suitable for Alex, wanted to impress him.

He picked out a striped shirt and a light khaki jacket, along with some black pants that were ripped where his knees where. He then picked out some checkered vans, he knew that the group would be mad at him, he looked back at the costume before shaking his head and slipped on the checkered Vans.

He let out a deep breath before going to the bathroom and for the first time he was going to change his hair, maybe have it curled, hopefully, Alex won't think he tried copying him.

He then looked at the mirror as if he would magically get curly hair, the only problem was that there was no magic and he didn't know how to curl it. He groaned getting out his phone and searching it up getting ready to curl his hair.

After about 30 minutes the sun was gone and the moon was out, he then grabbed a random bag for putting in candies and walked outside making sure to lock the door knowing there was an extra key under the welcome mat. He looked outside seeing kids walking around already he then walked towards the closest person who lived near him, Lucas.

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