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Mike gulped before knocking on Lucas's door who then appeared wearing the costume they all agreed to wear. Lucas furrowed his eyebrows before coming out and looking at Mike weirdly.

"Where's your costume" Lucas asked,

"Lost it" Mike replied quickly turning around so Lucas wouldn't see if he was telling a lie or not.

"C'mon I'll help you look for it," Lucas replied shutting the door to his house and walking beside Mike.

"We can't - we need to pick up the others remember?" Mike answered abruptly, Lucas agreed, believing Mike's lie as they both walked towards their other friend's house, Dustin.

As soon as Dustin saw that Mike didn't bring his costume he made a huge fuss about it all the way till they went to the last person's house, Alex.

The group, Mike, Dustin, Will, Lucas, Elle, and Max waited for someone to knock on the door. Mike had volunteered to knock on the door so he did and waiting for someone to open up, and this time someone else did.

"we're not giving candies," the man said shutting the door.

Mike groaned knocking again and this time Alex came out quickly shutting the door shut and bumping into Mike.

"Sorry" he murmured and glanced at the rest of the group. Will had moved towards the front and grasped Elle.

"This is Elle with superpowers," Will said causing Lucas to murmur something and drag him away. Elle reddened before stepping away towards the back of the group clearly embarrassed.

"This is Alex guys you can introduce your selves on the way, let's get going," Mike said walking down the stairs Alex following behind. During the walk, Elle went beside Mike getting close to him.

"Your hair," she said causing Mike to flush cause she was the first to speak about it. Mike nodded before replying to her,

"I wanted to change it up a bit," He said smiling at Elle who looked forward gloomily and walked quicker towards the front where the group continued talking. Mike made a sudden stop making Alex bump into him twice this evening.

"Oh sorry," Mike said turning around to glance at Alex who gave him a grin and started to walk alongside him.

"So uh how do you like this place so far" Mike questioned and took a  glimpse at Alex who had his hands inside the front pocket of his sweatshirt.

"Its cool and nice" Alex answered looking up at Mike who blushed and shifted apart from Alex.

"That's great do you know which school you're going to yet?" Mike asked another question.

"Well this is a small town and there is only one middle school," Alex said stopping as if he was waiting for Mike to catch on.

"Oh yeah right, forgot about that"

Alex giggled and proceeded walking the same speed as Mike, and soon enough they had made it to their first house.

Alex had stayed back remembering he couldn't take any candy home or else his stepbrother would steal it away from him. Mike had noticed and grabbed a candy he received from the house passing it to Alex who smiled at him and grasped it and put it in his pocket.

The night was almost finishing, there were fewer kids in the streets now, Alex yawned tiredly. He rubbed his eyes not acknowledging how far they were from his house.

Alex clutched onto Mike's jacket and pulling him back before speaking to him,

"I want to go home," Alex said softly

Mike hummed and nodding his heard turning to look at the rest of the group and finally replied to Alex

"Do you want me to walk you home?" Mike questioned.

Alex was about to talk before a loud honk cut them off, they all stared at the man in the car who was identified as Max's brother. Max sighed walking towards the car and going into the passenger seat, the group saw as they drove off quickly. Mike rolled his eyes turning his attention back on Alex.

"Your house is quite far from here how about we go to my house and call your parents?" Mike suggested

Alex nodded tiredly and followed Mike towards the house across the street, Mike had gotten the key from under the mat and unlocked the door letting Alex inside first.

"Phones in the kitchen, right over there" Mike pointed out

Alex walked over to the kitchen and dialed his mother's phone number, Mike then got his phone that he had left on the living room table unlocking it seeing messages from Will already.

Mike could only hear murmurs from the Kitchen as he opened the messaging app and looked at Will's messages confusingly.

will: Alex didn't even meet Elle

will: r u kidding me???

will: we're doomed

Mike rolled his eyes before texting a response but chose not to send it, and to send it later while he began opening another app but hastily switched his phone off as soon as Alex came out from the kitchen.

"My mom told me she'll be here in a few minutes," Alex said and watched as Mike stood up from the couch.

"Do you want to watch a movie for now?" Mike asked looking at the smaller boy,

"Actually I'm starving do you have any food?"

Mike nodded and moved into the kitchen Alex following close behind, Mike paused and spun around looking at Alex who was looking up at him.

"What are you hungry for?"

"Cookies" Alex responded softly causing Mike to gush at the cute boy.

Mike immediately turned around and stepped towards the cupboard and grabbed the box of cookies his mom had hidden away from him just not so well considering Mike just found them. He grabbed it and passed it to Alex the, who opened the box holding out a chocolate chip cookie and bit it.

"Do you want milk to go with it?"

Alex nodded eating the rest of the of the first cookie, Mike grabbed a glass cup and opened the fridge, grabbing the gallon of milk and pouring it into the cup.

"thank you," Alex told him grabbing the cup and sipping it. Mike set the gallon of milk back and stared back at Alex who was already eating another cookie. Mike tried his hardest to ignore the fact that there was milk dripping from the corner of Alex's mouth. Alex then rubbed his mouth with the sleeve of his sweatshirt noticing that Mike was staring at him weirdly.

The telephone had started ringing and Mike went to go pick it up and looked back as Alex filled his mouth with another cookie.

"I'm outside Alex," the person from the opposite line said, Mike then let out an ok and hung up and glanced at Alex.

"Someones here to pick you up" Alex nodded taking a few more cookies before smiling at Mike and walking out the house. Mike chuckled and looked at the box of cookies, and who knew such a small boy had such a big appetite. Mike then grabbed the last few cookies and walked towards his own room forgetting to hide the evidence of the cookies. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2018 ⏰

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