Part 2 - Bigger on the inside

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Timothy POV:

As I was reaching out for the handle, the sudden realization that I was about to follow a completely unknown woman, struck me. Why should I follow her? Because she had told me to do so? She had appeared out of thin air, literally some seconds ago! The logic part of my mind started to try and figure out why I should follow her. And how we would even fit in the box. (The logic part of my brain isn't usually very active tho)

Even though the idea of following a stranger was something I was very strictly against, I realized that I probably had to just accept the fact that it would be much better than staying here and get sacrificed.

"I just gotta trust her... it's following her or staying here and await my deadly fate" I mumbled to myself, taking a deep breath after. Followed by that, I shut my eyes right and opened the door, just hoping for the best.

As I push open the door fully, I open one of my eyes to let it gaze upon what's in front of me and holy heckling Alexa. I stood there, eyes wide open as I, once again, had no words left to say.

"I-I...what..." I looked around the room, shock taking over me. The woman only looked at me with an amused grin as I took in the scenery, my eyebrows getting furrowed as the shock was changing into confusion.

"Okay...uh-huh." I mumbled again as I turned around and stepped out of the box. I looked at every small detail of the normal looking blue box, but it wasn't as normal as it looked.

When I once again entered the box, the blonde haired woman was leaning up against a metallic looking board with a smirk widely spread across her face. She looked so causal about all of this. So used to it.

"It's... it is bigger... bigger on the inside..." I whispered. It wasn't meant to be a whisper and I got surprised over how quiet I had said it. The woman only laughed.

"Really? I haven't noticed" She commented sarcastically and held out a hand for me to shake. "I'm the doctor, by the way"

I wanted to say something, to mention this was probably by far the weirdest experience ever. I wanted to ask how she was so casual about all of this.

But I didn't.

Because I felt like weirder things awaited.

I gave up with a small sigh, shaking my head and then I focused my gaze at her. I let a soft smile spread across my lips, followed by our hands shaking.

"Timothy. My name is Timothy."


Oooo what is going to happen? I don't even know yet! xD

We will just have to wait... well you can just wait, I have to go write the continuation

See ya!

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