Chapter Fourteen~Dead Man's River, And The Great City Of Death~

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~Mephisto's pov~

yuck. Just yuck. i had to sit here,which was fine and all, but the sight of that water was just...revolting. I now remember the reason why I've never gone on the boat. it's this filthy water.

All grey, almost black, with a bunch of gunk poking out from the top.

was that an ear I saw over there? and the smell, was just to die for. literally.

I could see the steam rising up from the gooy water. this isn't even really water is it? no...I think it's, blood, yes blood that's what it is!

I know of this, its called Dead Mans River. it's where they throw innocent humans at the bottem, and then the beast from underneath pulverizes them, as their blood seeps out. the blood is what makes the water. Though its poison. if you were to simply stick your hand in there, the lost souls from within will drag you to to the bottem and eat your flesh, leaving the blood to dye the water. that's why it must be so thick. it's discusting.

I looked over to the guide. I had met him back in the 1480's. we had not been on good terms when we first met cause you see, I slept with his wife...and possibly his daughter. yeah, I get around. though I havnt for a while now, I've have to be faithful to my precious Violet Rose if I want her heart! She's to valuable to loose.

Any ways, but me and jeff, our guide, had eventually worked things out, as he had found out his wife had been with other men while they were married. so they divorced. it took his some time to finally accept my apology about the daughter situation, but he eventually caved in. just like all the rest! I sound evil!

I looked over to Rin, and saw that he was just as discusted by this...blood bath, basically, just as much as I. seems shura was looking a little paler that usual. I guess she does have a stomach, funny I would have never guessed. yukio just sat there, tall and still. looking no where else but forward, though I could see it in his eyes, he wanted to hurl his brains out. I smiled to myself looking down to Sheimi. oh bless her heart, poor thing, she looked about ready to die. the expression on her face said it all really. I do hope the little dear is all right, d'aww.

Lastly, I set my eyes on Violet. she suprisingly, out of everyone else looks comb. even her eyes dont seem to hide anything. hmm, I guess I could see ehy though. all this should be new to her. she's seen it all before. I'm almost willing to bet she even knows what this...water is really made up of as well.

I decided it would be funny to say my next statement.

"Oh isn't it just lovely out here! just look at this beautiful river, and og hiw the smell is just delightful, yes." I hummed. every one turend their gazes to me, and looked at me like the crazy man I was. Violet bit her lip, trying to keep in a laugh, for she new I was only playing around, however apperentally our fairy guide didnt seem to think so.

"isn't though!? I just love comin out here! and fishin' Ohhh yeppers! huu, I just love the smell of rot first thing in the Morin!" he enthused with a toothy smile on his face. This man took me seriously it seems, oh dear...

I just nodded as my reply, he giggled, whilst taking a seat.

"Aya, dude why'd ya stop?" violet said with a pout.

"ohhh!!!! hehehehe, well you seeeeee, sence we've gotten to this point, the river will take control now, it shall take us the rest of the wayyyyyyy!!!" he said playfully. hmm, and this is why we are friends.

"So how do you think till we get there?" I asked with a slight tone of boredom.

"oh I'd say 'bout ten minutes now!" he cheerfully enlightened. "id take in the veiw while ya can folks! its not every day you get to see beauty like this!" he encouraged. hmm, he seems to mean well by this, and I know he does, but the premise behind it is very sick and twisted. I dought he realizes that though.

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