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The chaos delivered in mere seconds of destruction, brings a feeling of satisfaction to Armond. As he nears the small contingent of men who, no doubt, considers themselves lucky to have survived, Armond finally allows the bloodied images of his mother and sisters to flood his reality. This is why he is here, exacting revenge rather than rebuilding with the rest of his people. His judgement will not be swift, but it will be just. He will get justice for his people. As he approaches the men, he knows that some of his men are also making their way down to what is left of the convoy. Some, however, are staying in position, waiting to shoot at any sudden movement.

Armond did not plan on saying much to the men who were left alive. There really was only one thing he wanted them to know before they were left to the mercy of Mother Nature. He wanted them to know that their crimes were not going unpunished. That, in their absence and without defence, their own war tribunal had sentenced them to death for the crimes they committed. The brutality they displayed with so much eagerness, the pleasure they took from it, has brought them to this end.

His plan for vengeance has been carried out successfully up to this point, and he knows very little could prevent the last part from succeeding. Only divine intervention, or his own change of heart, could stop the deaths of these men now. As he carefully steps over the last fuses, not yet triggered to blow, he feels the peaceful knowledge of success settle over him. His arrival at the scene he meticulously planned, coincides with that of his men, who arrive from different directions. Their arrival was as carefully planned as everything else. They are deliberately reinforcing the impression of being totally surrounded when, in fact, this was the sum total of their group, except for the four snipers left to respond to any foolish acts of bravery, loyalty, or desperation.

Motioning for General Scarlet and his men to gather together, Armond mounts the stump of a tree they felled days ago. From here he will look down on these monsters while delivers their sentence. But first, his men will make them strip. Without clothing to protect them, the hash reality of a desert climate will immediately have an impact. Perched on his pedestal, Armond watches as his men forcefully convinces a few of the less willing men that they are better off obeying their orders, like the good soldiers they once were.

With all the clothing in a pile before Armond, his men start their search of the vehicles. Still he says nothing. The two attempts of Scarlets braver officers, to negotiate has resulted in his snipers wounding them near-fatally. This seems to have cleared up any misconception of their role in this situation and no-one has attempted to say anything again. He could feel the hatred in the generals stare and wondered if he was successful in returning the impression.

As the last high-power rifle, from the vehicle at the back of the convoy, is added to the impressive pile of illegally obtained weapons, Armond opens his mouth to deliver their death sentence. However, in that moment he realises that the names of all those slaughtered by these men, will be a more fitting closing to this final act. Towering above his audience he starts to recite the names of all those who died at the hands of these men while also giving the nod for his men to return to their places, far enough for the final explosion not to endanger them. The confusion on the faces of General Scarlet and his men does not bother him. This is the final rite for the souls of his people to leave this world, to join their ancestors and look down on those left behind.

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