Chapter one

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Halloween. I've always loved this holiday. Honestly it's the best. We all know. Candy. Skimpy outfits. Masks. Regrets with masks.

The stuff that happens on Halloween usually only gets mentioned if people even remember. Or have the specific details.

It's always been my day. Never had a bad Halloween a day in my life.

This year I went as good old fashioned witch. Minus the green skin, big nose, and worts.

Usually I go all out. With the fake blood or fake teeth or amazing outfit. I seem like I do this for a living.

I'm sitting all in my lonesome drinking what can only be described as fruity piss. It's nasty but kinda taste like passion fruit.

My friend  Amari walks over and plops her husky body next to me with a huff.

"What's up honey? You seem disappointed..." I queried. She's never really this way on Halloween. We share our love of this holiday and Satan.

"Well, first of all, this punch is ass. Second of all there's no guys here that I like. Besides Camcam but he's like gay and a friend." She complains.

"Seriously girl he's not gay. He just doesn't like thick girls calm down" I try holding my laughter at her complaints.
She gives me a pouty angry look. "Seriously dude. Only reason you're not complaining is cause you like both. And girls on halloween are always cute" she complains about my sexuality.

"Hey not my fault you're so voluptuous that these losers can't grow a pair and try to talk you up" I retort not in the least insulted.

She huffs. I see her make a face that basically says "eh you're not wrong" I laugh light heartedly and continue looking at everyone have fun.

"Hey Dakota. You love Halloween yet you're always on your own and sitting by yourself. Or you're walking off to god knows where. Why don't you ever try to hangout?" My best friend of now 5 years asks me the dumbest question.

I give the "are you really asking me that?" Face.

"Dude I love this holiday and everything but don't I love the people. I mean yeah lovely women, meh guys but like I'm just not very social. You know this," I answer her question. "And besides I don't need to socialize if I want someone to talk to I'll call you up"

I nudge her shoulder with mine making her smile. Her smile seems slightly sad. "I want you to find someone you really like though. Like a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Not just me." She's just a little angel.

I sigh standing up. "You know I don't work that way. I've stopped trying years ago" I look done at her with a soft but sad smile.

She gives me her signature puppy eyes and pouty lip asking "can you please try?"

"No." I say flatly knowing she would do this.

"Come on man. Never works on you. So not fair." She pouts again being childish.

"You're just a spoiled baby" I say bending down and pinching her nose slightly.

She swats my hands away trying to look mad but with a suppressed smile.

I smile at her as I toss my awful drink in the trash and head out to the woods.

"Hey sweetcakes where you going?!" She yells back using that awful nickname.

I cringe as I turn and continue walking backwards. "To get some air. I need to have some time in the woods and look at the sky before my allergies kick in and I die" I joke to her turning back around so I don't bump into anyone.

"Ha ha. See you at home" she waves me off mocking a laugh and joining the party again.

I walk out to the forest. It's always so peaceful. Even with the loud party only so many yards away.

I only start to notice how far I am when I can no longer hear the music but I can still see the lights.

I look up at the sky seeing a mix of blue, green, black, brown and just stars.

My grandma always used to tell me my eyes were like the sky at night when it's beauty wasn't hidden from city lights.

I look up at the sky with that sad expression I always wear when I think of her. 

I sit on a huge fallen tree as I continue to stare at the sky with admiration.

"I wish I didn't need to breathe air. Then I'd be able to be in space without any issues" I softly whisper to myself.

"But then your body would still be crushed with no atmosphere" a deep voice rumbles behind me.

Startled I fall backwards off the tree rolling to my side. I don't pay the small amount of pain any mind as I stare at my company in shock and fear.

A man wearing a black robe on a large black stallion looks up at the sky. I can't see his face so no emotion can come to mind.

He finally looks down at me as I attempt to get away. His covered eyes keep me locked in place.

"Forgive me sir for I will have to use force on your beloved for she is made of fire forged in hell" he says sadly.

I tilt my head in confusion. He can't be talking to me. I'm obviously a girl. Obviously with my cleavage.

I feel my body being wrapped with an invisible force. I look around with fear.

I will not let some pile of rags wrap me in his magic.

"Listen here robe boy I'm not dealing with this right now. It is Halloween and I'm supposed to have fun not be kidnapped by some mythical cape!" Feeling livid rather than afraid now I start to struggle.

He tilts his head to the side as if I'm crazy. "You're not afraid? You are not fearing for you life? Rather you're wanting to enjoy this one day?" He asks in confusion.

"Are you fucking deaf? No I'm not scared put me down you damn coat!" I grumble as I struggle but it doesn't move me one bit.

I feel rope being tied around my legs and arms. "Oh come on I hate you petty coat" I complain giving the caped man any lame nickname I can.

He sets me in front of him on the horse on my stomach. Holds the back of my costume with an iron grip and starts to trot away from my town with me as his prisoner.

"Damn it." Is all I can manage since the moving of the horse and me on my stomach doesn't mix well.

If I get sick it's his fault.

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