Part 6 : a simple mission

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(Y/N) : your name
(L/N) : last name
" " dialogues


Duty, this is something that most dolls see as their priority. The fact that the letters they write can both bring people together and bring them apart shows just how big of a responsibility they bare. The words that they convey could either destroy or save someone's life. And so, our story continues with a man that will be given his first assignment.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Well, it's been a few days since I started working for the CH Postal Company. I'm starting to get used to this line of work. To be honest, there are some hard things to do. I had to write for different clients with different reasons and different feelings. Doing this is definitely not as easy as I thought it was going to be. But it looks like I was doing a pretty good job. President Hodgins even called me to his office to give me a 'special' assignment. And so, here I am, standing outside his office as I knocked the door.

Me : "President Hodgins ? I'm here sir" I said as the door suddenly opened to reveal Cattleya.

Cattleya : "hey (Y/N), you're here for the special assignment right ?" She said as I walked inside.

Me : "yeah, what is it anyway ? Is it like a promotion ?" I asked as I looked around to see the President sitting behind his desk.

Hodgins : "not really... but you will get extra pay though" he said as Cattleya sat down.

Me : "well, more money is always good I guess"

Hodgins : "that's great. But first, let me ask you something" he said while standing up to search for something from a cabinet.

Me : "what is it sir ?"

Hodgins : "what do you know about the works that the dolls do ?"

Me : "uhh... we write letters for our clients ?"

Hodgins : "yes, that is true. But do you know that clients can hire a doll from far away ?" Then, he looked at me and gave me a piece of paper from the cabinet. On the paper, there appears to be an address and a name along with some other stuff.

Me : "I didn't know sir. Is this my 'special' assignment ?"

Hodgins : "yup, Do you know that address ?" I then took a second glance at the paper to see the address. I don't really recognize most of it until I saw something.

Me : "Chevalier.... I think I've heard of that Island before. But the only thing I know about it is that it's a small isolated island somewhere in the east. Am I really going there ?"

Hodgins : "not alone of course. Just because you're still new, you won't be assigned to the island alone. You'll be traveling with a partner"

Me : "partner ? Who ?" He just smiled as I said that.

Hodgins : "you will be going with Violet. Your job is to help her in any way to ensure the success of this assignment"

Me : "okay then, when will I be leaving ?"

Hodgins : "hold your horses Captain (L/N), before you can handle such a hard assignment, I will have you do something easier first to see how well you deal with things" as he said that, I could suddenly hear knockings on the door. Cattleya then walked over there and opened it to reveal Violet.

Violet : "you called me, President Hodgins ?"

Hodgins : "ah, there you are. Come in, I have something to tell you" and so, she came in.

After the aftermath : Violet Evergarden x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now