Part 1 : a place to call home

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(Y/N) : your name
(L/N) : last name
" " : dialogues

Leiden, the capitol city of Leidenschaftlich. It's strategic location and natural harbors made it into one of the most important cities for Leidenschaftlich. Our story continues here, in a building owned by a quite new and yet successful company, the CH Postal Company. Owned and managed by a former Army Colonel, Claudia Hodgins. It has seen quite a successful business due to the high demands of letters written. Hodgins, who was listing through his newly acquired letters, found something interesting. It was a military stamped letter from the headquarters.

(Hodgins's POV)

I sat in my office while going through letters sent to me until i saw something that intrigued me. A military letter sent by an old friend. As i read what was inside, I couldn't help but to smile. Finally, they're back. I need to tell her about this. And so, without a moment to waste, i went out of my office and went downstairs to the writing room, where the dolls write the letters for their clients. As i walk through the room, i could see all manner of clients waiting for their letters. Some waited with a smile on their faces, full of excitement as they finally received their long awaited paper. But others, they sat down with tears rolling down their cheeks. They probably have lost something, or maybe someone... but at the far end of he room, there sat one of the best dolls i have in my company, it was none other than miss Violet Evergarden. She was just sitting there as her 'hands' are just dancing around the old typewriter that i gave her. And so, i walked over to her and i gently grabbed her shoulder.

Me : "excuse me, Violet, do you have time ?" I asked as she stopped her seemingly mechanical hand before turning her head towards me, revealing those majestic ocean blue eyes.

Violet : "President Hodgins ? Is there something you need sir ?" She asked with an obedient tone, just like a true soldier she was. I guess some habits just dies hard. But as i looked at the clients on front of us, i could see their tears. I've seen them too many times before. I can't interrupt them for now.

Me : "when you're done, meet me in my office okay ?" I said to her as she raised one of her her arms up.

Violet : "yes, President Hodgins. I'll be done in a few minutes" she said plainly as i just smiled.

Me : "okay then, i'll be waiting" with that, i went out the writing room and went back upstairs to my office. But as i opened the door, i see that there's somebody inside.

??? : "Claudia, you have new letters coming" that voice, it could only be one person, Cattleya Baudelaire. My most popular doll in the business.

Me : "Sure, i'll read it later. I have something important i need to take care of in the moment" i said as i walk through the door.

Cattleya : "does it have something to do with that military letter i gave you earlier ?"

Me : "yes and wait, did you go through my letters again ?" I said as she just smiled innocently.

Cattleya : "i'm sorry, i'm just naturally curious" i could only sigh after hearing that.

Me : "please respect my privacy" i said as she just smiled innocently like before.

Cattleya : "anyways, what's in it ?"

Me : "didn't i just tell you to respect my privacy ?"

Cattleya : "oh come on, just tell me. It's not like it's some military secret right ?" She said while hugging me from behind. I could feel her.....

Me : "fine, it's a letter from my old superior telling me that the last remaining Battalion of the Army that was trapped behind enemy lines has finally come back"

After the aftermath : Violet Evergarden x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now