18 years ago

18 1 0

"Queen! Queen!" Trent starts yelling after Queen Annabelle as she's wobbling away.
"Yes Trent, if you don't see I'm a little busy trying to reach the medical wing."
"Well yes I see that but something has happened and I need to get you to safety."
"And I need to see if my unborn child is alright! I have not felt her move all day and I'm worried. What ever has happened will have to be postponed till I can make sure she's okay!"
*sigh* "Sister, this problem can not be postponed. The rebels have infiltrates the castle and I need to protect you and my unborn niece. Now I need u to follow me or so help me I will find the King and have him drag you to the bunker"
*Annabella hand instinctively went to touch her rather large stomach, she can't believe they actually made it in here. After all their threats and promises, it seems they came true.*
"Lead the way Trent"

*King Will looks out of the window of the war room to see their walls are crumpled and his men are slowly depleting. He knew it would be a matter of time until they come in and try to take the castle. No matter what happens he has to make sure his love and child are safe*
"Captain bring me Jason and Trent"
"Yes sir!"
Within minutes Trent comes in with Jason. Till this day it's astonishing how alike they look. Both siblings of his love and queen.
"I need both of you to take the Queen and our child to safety."
Trent was quick to answer. "I already did your majesty"
Will huffs at his brother in law. "I don't need to bunker or even in this castle. You need to take them both somewhere no one could ever think of finding them. The rebels are closing in and will be upon us in as little as an hour. They want our child Trent. I won't let them take her."
Jason looks terrified. No body knew what the rebels wanted. No one has said a word about why their attacking us so stronger in the past year. They've been at our backs for decades. But it makes sense. His first born would be the next ruler, and they want the rulers out.
"We will do it. And when we get to our destination we'll come back for you"
Jason was always quick to look out for the King. Always.
"That won't be necessary Jason. I will stay here to protect my home. You and Trent must leave immediately and do not come back for me. Watch over them and protect them with your lives. And tell No One where you are going."

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