Just another day

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Sophie POV:

After being dropped off, Gerard cleared his throat "Sophie. You must be careful. His father was a general for the rebels. Their activity has been almost gone but it is still there. I know you like him and he seems to like you but be careful."
Even in the morning his words still haunt me. Edwards father was apart of the group that wanted me dead. Did his ideals line up with his fathers? He seems to idealize his father. Thinking about this is giving me a headache. I'm rubbing my head when my father walks in "Good morning pumpkin. Is everything alright?" He looks worried for me. Maybe he thinks the pressure is too great for me to handle. But it isn't the crown that weighing on my heart. "Dad what did you know of a man named Theo Wright?" He starts thinking and then he looks up startled. "Where did you hear that name?" "Thats Edwards fathers name. The one I went on a date with last night." He looks slightly mad or irritated. "Theo was a general for the rebels. Not the top but not the lowest. He did although manage to get into our castle and escape with his life. He came back many more times. That was until one of my guards shot him. We sent his body back to his family." He looks so sad to think of his people being killed. "I'm sorry to bring this up dad. But Gerard mentioned the importance of Edwards dad and now I can't stop thinking about it." "Well yes that is something to think of. But he was only 12 when this all went down. His wife didn't know he was apart of the rebels until we brought his body back. So many kids to take care of that I felt bad and decided to help her. She received a few years worth of Theo's paycheck to help her. But I have had my eyes on them. They didn't want anything to do with either royal or rebels but since we managed to give her the money she decided hating the royals will lead to only trouble so she moved on." I admire my dad for so many things but this just toped it off. I get up and hug my dad. "I'm scared dad. There's only Jayden left on my 3 suitors but I've fallen for Edward. What should I do?"

Jayden POV:

After Edward dropped me off I got on my bike and followed him. Although his car is faster I had a hunch of where he was going. So I went to the clearing in the woods. By the time I got there the princess and Edward just got there. Why couldn't he just have told me? Why did he lie! If he really wanted her I would have moved on. It's not like I'm in love with her. But maybe one day I could have been. He's my best friend and he lied to me. I don't see how I can forgive him for that. It's a pointless lie but it's one that pierced my heart. He knew I wanted her. But I would have moved along if he just told me he loved her.

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