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Chapter Twelve

"Shawn...why didn't you say anything? We have to go to the police!"

I started to storm off to go downstairs, but Shawn quickly pulled me back.

"No, I made a promise to Claire. You can't say anything!"

"So you're just going to allow this to keep happening?"

He didn't answer.

"Sky's right, Shawn. We could at least tell my parents , they would know-"

"No! You can't say anything! I just need to know, can I bring Claire here?"

I sighed and looked at Cory, waiting for him to answer. I didn't understand why Shawn was keeping such a dangerous secret or why he didn't tell me. I could have let Claire stay at my house for a few days until we figured out how to handle the situation. I could only imagine how she was feeling. She wasn't safe in her own home and now she was forced to sleep in a different house every night.

"What about her dad? What about her mom? Won't she get worried when she doesn't come home?" Cory asked.

"Her mom is scared, she just pretends like it's not happening. Claire has gotten really good at sneaking out."

Cory thought for a little bit. My heart was sinking into my stomach. I felt sick, imagining if my mom had never left. Would my dad have turned his anger towards me? Would my mom cover for him and pretend like nothing was happening? I didn't know, but all I knew was I had to get Claire out of that situation.

"Y-yeah, I'll call you when my parents go to sleep," he finally said.

"And...tell Claire that she can stay over at my house tomorrow night if she wants to," I said.

Shawn gave Cory a quick nod and then looked over at me. He gently stroked my cheek and then left right back out the window.


That night Cory and I were up setting up for Claire's arrival. I was busying myself with making the sofa as comfortable as possible while Cory went upstairs to grab more blankets.

Soon, he was letting Claire in. I had seen Claire around at school before but I had never really paid much attention to her. She had pretty, blonde hair that went past her shoulders. Her blue eyes looked as if they would have sparkled if she had been in better condition. Her face was sweet and dare I say it, beautiful. Of course, I didn't have any trouble believing that Shawn had cheated on me with her. Not that I didn't believe in my own worth or beauty, but because Claire looked like she was more of his type. Sweet, blonde, and pretty.

I shrugged off my stares and snapped back into reality.

"It's okay," Cory said to her in a soft voice.

Claire hesitantly walked in and took in her surroundings.

"There's the kitchen and the bathroom. You can sleep here on the couch. If you want some more blankets-"

"No, this is fine. Thank you," she interrupted, giving a slight smile.

I stepped forward a bit.

"Hi, I'm Skylar. Sorry, we haven't met yet."

She smiled.

"You must be Shawn's girlfriend. He doesn't shut up about you, you're really lucky."

I blushed a bit. 'As if I didn't already feel like trash!'

I didn't expect Claire to say that and it just made me feel worse for not believing Shawn.

"I know..." I said, softly.

"That would be great, thanks."

"Don't worry, Cory. I'll be out before your parents get up."

"Oh, no. You don't have to do that."

Cory was worried and scared, I could see it. He wasn't really sure how to handle the situation, but he was doing a great job.

"Is this your mom and dad?" Claire said, looking at the picture of Cory's family over the mantle.


"They look like nice people."

"They are...they are nice people," he replied.

She continued to look around for a bit.

"I like your house. It reminds me of my aunt's place in Vermont. I spent a summer there once. She had flowers everywhere!"

"Sounds like a great place," Cory said back, giving me a small, sad glance.

"You'd wake up in the morning and you could smell these flowers and you just knew that everything was alright."

Cory and I smiled at her in silence.

"Oh, do you want me to put your coat someplace?" he asked.

"Oh, no. It's fine," Claire protested, but Cory grabbed it anyway.

Upon moving her coat we could all see the large bruise that was on her arm. I fought back the urge to cry and Claire saw our expressions.

"I walked into my door. I'm kinda clumsy."

"O-oh, yeah. That happens. I've walked into my own door at least 10 times," Cory said.

"Yeah, don't even get me started on how many times I've done the same thing," I said, knowing what Cory was doing.

Claire looked at us up and down before speaking again.

"Shawn told you, huh?"

Cory sighed.

"Look, I know it's not my place to tell you what to do or anything-"

"No, it's fine. Could I have a glass of milk, please?"

I gave Cory a confused look, but he agreed and went on to the kitchen anyway.

"We're just worried, Claire. We want you to be safe and happy," I said before awkwardly going up the stairs to Cory's room for bed.


"Sky, are you asleep?" I heard Cory ask from the floor.

He refused to let me sleep on the floor and insisted that I take his spot on the bed.

"No, I can't sleep. There's too much on my mind."

"Like Claire?"

I sighed, sat up and turned to face him.

"Yeah and Shawn. I really need to apologize to him. I should have trusted him."

"And I need to apologize to Topanga. I shouldn't have tried to force her into something she's not ready for. Something I'm not really ready for."

"Looks like we have a lot of apologizing to do."  

Long Time, No See (Shawn: Boy Meets World)Where stories live. Discover now