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I woke up in the middle of the night very hungry for something. I just couldn't figure out what that it was that I wanted. I turned over to see Sirius still fast asleep. I rolled my eyes as I shifted yet again trying to get his attention.

Nothing happened. Not even a muffled 'I'm sleeping, babe.".

I looked over at his sleeping form rolling my eyes at this. I then reached over and punched his shoulder waking him surely and soundly. I began to whistle innocently as Sirius looked around for the person who had punched him awake.

"What was that for, Marlene?" he asked looking over at me.

"I'm hungry," I whined at him.

"What do you want me to get you, baby?" Sirius asked looking at me as though about to preform any whim that I wanted.

"I don't know. I want something sweet but I can't really think of anything at the moment."

Sirius' eyes lit up with a sort of manic glee. I knew right then a there that something was going through his brain right now and it wasn't going to pleasant for someone.

"What are you thinking, Sirius Black?" I asked looking over at him placing a hand on growing baby bump.

"I was just thinking about something that Mr. Potter told me Mrs. Potter craved when she was expecting James," he told me placing his hand over my own. "Do you want to know what?"

I nodded expectantly. "No I want to be kept in the dark, Sirius," I said sarcastically. "Yes. I want to know."

"Treacle Fudge."

I thought for a moment. Any kinda fudge sounded good right about now. Why hadn't I thought of that myself? I looked over at Sirius with huge smile on my face. "I think that should do it," I told him. "And some pickles please."

"Treacle Fudge and pickles coming right up," Sirius told me getting out of bed and dressing before heading off to get the items I had asked for.

A few minutes later I received a call from Lily Potter, my best friend, which surprised the me a lot.

"We need to go bail the boys out of jail," she told me.

"What?" I asked eyes going wide in shock.

"James and Sirius went out to get some items for us," Lily informed me. "They tried to pay for the the pickles from a Muggle grocery with Galleons and got a little uppity when the officers were called in."

"I'll be over in a minute," I told her as I got up and dressed.

After picking Lily up we went to Muggle Police station to bail out Sirius and James. I sighed as I saw the two of them sitting behind bars with these sad looks on their faces. Upon seeing Lily and I they looked at us pleadingly.

"We're here to bail those two out," Lily said pointing towards James Sirius.

After we paid their fine and the boys got a few words of warning about trying to steal from the grocery we were on our way home yet again. I looked over at Sirius who had a sly smile on his face.

"What did you do?" I asked wearily as I looked over at him.

"This is for you," he said holding out box of Treacle Fudge and bottle of pickles that he had stashed up his sleeve.

"Thank you, baby," I said giving him kiss before flopping down in bed and munching away on my treat for the night.

I hope you all enjoyed Cravings. I can actually see James and Sirius getting arrested for doing something like this. Can't you?

The Untold Lives of Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnonWhere stories live. Discover now