Ch 6: Legends Of Old

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My eyes popped open as my body jolted up only to lay back down onto a plushy surface after feeling an intense pain radiating throughout my small form.

"You shouldn't be moving around so harshly, young lady."

'What?' I thought confused, looking around to notice I was in a tree house medicine room, 'Strange.' I then was met with a pair of stern, maroon eyes. They belonged to an older woman with faded pink hair, dressed in a red cloak as she stared down at me with a natural frown. "Where am I?"

"You're in my house." She informed me in a scolding tone, "I found you passed out in the forest. It seems you used too much of your magic to the point of exhaustion."

"How long have I been asleep?" I groaned trying to sit up slower this time.

"Well, you've been here since yesterday afternoon." The old witch said, opening a window to reveal the sun setting over the forest trees, "Its almost night fall soon."

"It's that late?!" I panicked jumping off the bed I was in and started making a run for the door only to be stopped by the old woman.

"Oh no child, I refuse to allow you to leave in your condition."

That is when our stare down began at its strongest, neither of us backing off until her "I've-been-alive-longer-so-I-know-best" gaze over powered my "I'm-young-reckless-and-a-little-stupid" one.

"Ugh, Fine!" I exclaimed dragging myself back to bed, shoving my head into the pillow grumbling, "Dumb, scary, old lady." Thinking she wouldn't hear me.

"I heard that." She stated calmly, examining vials of multi-colored fluids.

"What the heck!" I said surprised, lifting my head up. "How could you hear me? What, you have the ears of a hawk or something?"

"No. More like that of a dragon." Her words caused my whole body to freeze as she continued to speak. "I collected some of your blood to check if it was something serious that caused you to fall unconscious, but what startled me was that I found dragon's blood mixed in with your human blood." I remained silent with my head cased down to avoid her.

"You know, I've only heard rumors about a child being born to a human and a dragon, yet the legends died a long time ago."

"What were the legends?" I finally spoke. "What's the story behind them?"

The old woman sighed sitting across from me at the end of the bed, before speaking, "Years ago there was once a rare but dangerous dragon that controlled all the elements. Some believed he could destroy the whole planet if he wanted to but instead he caused chaos all throughout the lands, until one day a powerful witch of great beauty was able to tame the beast."

"How did she tame him?"

"Some say her powers were greater than his, but others believe her beauty and spirit won the beast over."

"They fell-in-love." I stated leaning in closer in, eager to hear more as she hummed, nodding her head.

"That's how the rumors started. The two fell for each other and hide themselves away on an isolated island away from others in fear of any harm coming to their child. They were afraid that others would hurt her for being the impossible, a hybrid. So, they remained hidden from the world."

"But someone found them." I whispered, my vision growing blurry. "Didn't they."

"Yes, Acnologia the Black Dragon, hated Astatine the Element Dragon, who had started to grow soft in the years." The older woman tone darkened as she kept talking. "Acnologia found the lovers' island and killed them." I gasped at the horrible truth.

I swallowed the lump in my throat asking, "What happened to the baby?"

"Some say the child died that day along with their parents." Her eyes then pierced through me. "However, it seems the rumors were both true and false, seeing as the child is alive and in front of me." She said reaching out to wipe away the tears that began to slide down my pale cheeks.

"Mama said I had to close my eyes and when I opened them everything would be okay but-" I choked out a sob, my tiny hands clenching onto the white sheets. "When I opened them, Mama and Dada were gone and now Laxus is too, meaning I'm all alone again in the world."

"Do you mean Laxus Dreyar?" The older lady asked as I nodded my head 'yes' while rubbing away the wetness of my eyes. She gave me a sorrowful look, "I'm sorry for your lost, young one."

"It's Chiyo."

"Chiyo." She repeated to herself. "I am Porlyusica." She told me getting back up to examine her vials with her back turned to me.

"Well, thanks for treating me and for the story, Miss Porlyusica." I told her glancing over at the open window. "Oh, look at the time." I tapped my pretend watch, more for my comedic relief than hers. "I must be leaving."

"Excuse me, I told you-" She turned around to scold me, except I had already Lighting Bodied out the window.

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