Ch 15: Where Are You?

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Laxus's POV

"Laxus, it's s-so c-c-cold." Chiyo stuttered through chattering teeth, rubbing her bare arms for protection against the frosty winds.

"Well, no shit it's cold. Where else are we going to teach you ice magic, in the sunny topical islands of impossible." I rolled my eyes at the tiny 10-year-old's pathetic whines. "It's not even that freezing outside, so stop being a wimp and suck it up."

"Of course, you don't think it's freezing, you're in a cozy, furry coat! I barely have anything on!" She shouted pointing to her clothing that consisted of a white tank top and pink shorts.

"Tough shit." I shrugged in an unconcerned manner. "You need to get use to the icy feeling against your skin that way the ice will last longer on your cold flesh. It's also to help you tolerate that chill you'll get when using this magic."

"I guess that makes sense..."

"Good." I said patting her snowy head. "Now, a few more practice runs and then we'll leave."

"What!? You said that 40 practice runs ago!" She stomped her feet in the snow, forgetting about the temperature as her frustration warmed her.

"So, that just means a few more won't kill you." I countered watching in amusement at the cute pout on her face, while she grumbled under her breath.

"It might though." I heard her say kicking the white flakes, before getting back into position.

I stood off to the side observing how hard she was trying to freeze the pile of snow in her hands, each time she managed to ice the whole thing, but the problem was keeping it in a solid form. I still can't believe I took this kid on as my student. I mean I was one of the strongest in the guild that everyone feared and admired now I'm babysitting a weird half dragon half human child, an adorable kid, but still a brat.

'She's lucky I took pity on her to take her under my wing.' Was the excuse I told myself, but let's be honest one look in those golden blues and I couldn't say no to her. What would everyone back at the guild say when they see me, big and badass Laxus, wrapped around a little girl's finger. They'll all laugh at me especially that idiot, fire-breath Natsu.

"Laxus look I did it!" Chiyo's cheery voice snapped me out of my thoughts as she raced up to me to show the ice crystal that she had finally created.

"Nice work, Chi Chi." I praised her, making her smile widen until it flipped upside down when the ice quickly melted.

I felt a ping in my heart seeing the disappointed tears gathering in her eyes. "Hey, at least it held the ice form longer than the other times." I stated trying to avoid any annoying waterworks. "How about we quit for today." That brought a spark of joy back on her face. "But we'll start right where we left off tomorrow morning, so I don't want to hear any complaints."

All she did nod her head softly and closed her eyes, allowing exhaustion to consume her. I caught her before she could hit the ground and pulled her into my coat to cover her from the cold. I smiled down at her as she snuggled into my chest to greedily take in my body heat.

She didn't speak, until we were almost to the abandoned cabin that we were settling in. "Hey, Laxus.." She asked getting a grunt from me as a response, thinking she was just going to say something smartass. "Why did you disappear?"

"What?" Her sudden question caught me off guard. "What do you mean? I'm obviously here, holding you."

"Not anymore." She said looking up at me with a doleful smile on her lips, her tiny fist gripping my shirt tightly. "Why did you leave me?"

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