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"I love you." I told him.
I fell for him.
My mistake.
"I love you more." Lie.
"Promise you won't leave me?" I said
"Promise." Another lie.
"Will you stay beside me?" Words left my mouth begging for something that won't lack honesty.
"Forever, babe." That. That broke me.

-3rd POV-
Eunkyung cried. She cried when he told her those lies. She cried as tears fell one after the other. Shiyon was confused, though he knew exactly what he did. "Baby, don't cry. Why are you crying?" He told her as he caresses her face and wiping her tears away, little does he know the tears were caused because of him. "Happy birthday." Eunkyung told the love of her life, or who she thought was the love of her life. "Thank you, I love you." He told her thinking it would make her feel better but it only breaks the small pieces of her shattered heart even more. "I have a gift for you." She said still gathering up her courage for the words to come out of her mouth. The words that she wished to god that she wouldn't ever have to say.

Eunkyung looked down in defeat. She knew it was over. "You..." she said. "Yes babe?" Shatter. "What is it love?" Break. "hey, look at me honey." He tore her heart from every word that came out of his mouth. "... can break up with me." She finally said. "but... give me one last kiss." He sat there dumbfounded. "What? Last kiss? Honey I'll give you more kisses!" He told her happily, and he smiled.

But the shine that used to be there

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But the shine that used to be there.. wasn't there anymore. She wasn't upset though, she knew the shine in his smile was for a girl that wasn't... her.

She leaned in and kissed him gently, with full desire. As the kiss went on his eyes were open, while hers... was closed as tears escaped the eyes that saw something she wish she didn't. "Yoon Shiyon... you are allowed to break up with me. You can go to her now." Eunkyung said as she stood up breaking the kiss still crying, trying to stop but she lost the ability to. Ever since that day.

She went inside her room and locked it. She sat helplessly in front of the door leaning on it as she hugged her knees hoping all of this was just a silly nightmare.

But it wasn't.
And that was what hurt her more than ever.

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