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(3rd POV)
Eunkyung woke up in a bed. Not just any bed. She thought she's wake up in a hospital bed after being stuck in darkness for so long. She sat up and immediately became dizzy so she laid back down.

The room she was in was too luxurious. It looked too... rich? She was out of place and felt like she didn't belong here. She was wondering where everyone was.
"Where am I?" Eunkyung weakly said as she massages her head.
Someone entered the room and saw her awake. Her eyes widened and dropped what were in her hands.
"Sir! Sir! Sir! She's awake!" The lady said. As she said that a doctor came rushing in and began checking her up.
"What- What are you doing?" She asked the doctor "it's nothing don't worry. Just a few check ups to make sure you're okay." He answered. "Oh.." she replied.
The doctor began checking her up to make sure she was in stable condition.
"I'm sorry but... what happened? I don't remember anything really. Also, where am I?" Eunkyung gently said to the doctor as he finished checking her up.
"Hm.. you look like you have amnesia. I'll state some normal facts, You are Choi Eunkyung. 22 years old. A K-Idol. You were rehearsing your dance with your group in the dance studio and you fainted and hit your head pretty bad on the floor. You were asleep for 3 weeks about a month." The doctor said as he read from some kind of paper.
"K-K-idol?" Eunkyung stuttered
"I'm not a Choi? I am a Kang?" Eunkyung said confused.
"Am I married?" She asked
"No, no, no you're not married and you're also not a kang. You're parents are Choi's. Seems like your amnesia really is bad. I'll give you some medics since you seem like you also feel dizzy." The doctor stated. "Ah... ok." Eunkyung said as she closed her eyes tired. "May I go to the washroom?" She asked the doctor as she felt her bladder fill up. "Yea sure. That way." The doctor pointed at a door.
Eunkyung did her business and walked towards the sink to wash her face and hands. She looked up and saw her reflection in the mirror.
She was shocked.
She froze.
She screamed.
"AHH!" Eunkyung shouted
The doctor came rushing in. "WHATS WRONG?!" He asked worried. "T-this is me?" She said. "Yes of course." He sighed in relief knowing it wasn't serious. Eunkyung just nodded in response as the doctor left the washroom.
"By the way!" The doctor shouted from the bedroom "you're boyfriend is coming from work to see you since he hasn't talked to you ever since you passed out." He said. "Boyfriend? I don't want to see him." Eunkyung said to herself making her remember Shiyon and what happened.

Eunkyung washes up and wears the clothes prepared for her already. She felt too uncomfortable knowing it's probably very expensive but that were the only clothes she could reach out to.
She did her makeup and her hair but kept it natural.

"Ms. Choi, breakfast is ready." One lady said but she didn't answer still not aware of the fact that her surname is now Choi. "Ms. Choi?" The lady said as she knocked on the bathroom door. "Oh yes?" Eunkyung finally answered. "Breakfast." The lady said smiling at her. "Yes I'm coming." And the lady nodded as she did some finishing touches.

Eunkyung walked outside of the bathroom and the room she woke up in. As she walked out the living room looked way too luxurious and fancy. Something she wouldn't even afford to step into. It was filled with an amazing scent and just had that look of a millionaire. "Ms. Choi here's your breakfast" The lady said "excuse me, I'm sorry the doctor said I have amnesia so I want to ask who you are." Eunkyung tried to say politely "oh yes I heard about that, I'm a staff here. I help you around the penthouse." The lady replied. "My name is jimin." She added "oh okay.. thank you." Eunkyung said as she sat down in front of her breakfast.
As she was eating someone rang the doorbell and she stood up to get it. Before she could open it jimin came rushing in "no no ms, I do this you can keep eating." She told her. "No no it's okay you can continue what you were doing." Eunkyung said and jimin nodded and went back to what she was doing.
She opened the door and there was a beautiful man standing before her. His hair was perfectly styled. His clothing was very fresh and trendy, looked very expensive. His smile was perfect. Who is this?

He smiled and immediately hugged Eunkyung

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He smiled and immediately hugged Eunkyung. He pulled away and stared at her. "I missed you." He said and pecked her lips.

She just stood there, in shock.

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