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"Open this door!" Shiyon shouted as he banged on the door.
"Eunkyung I am not leaving until you open this door." He repeated over and over again. Slowly he gave up and sat down leaning at the door, just like Eunkyung.
"No... I... I can't let you in." Eunkyung said weakly as she felt her body give up on her. Tears kept falling, it felt as if there were limitless amount of water to escape her eyes.
"I... don't want to hurt myself again... I'm a fool..." She continued.
"What do you mean Eunkyung. You aren't a fool-" Shiyon tried to say but got cut off by her.
"I know Shiyon. I know her. I know your affair with her. I know what you have done behind my back." Eunkyung said almost shouting.
"I'm done believing that you truly love me. I always felt insecure about myself and you promised to help me... but you didn't... instead you made it worst." She said between her sobs. Shiyon was shocked. His eyes widened and he stood up and begun to bang on the door again.

"EUNKYUNG" **bangs on door**
"EUNKYUNG" **still bangs on door**
"EUNKyung..." **merely bangs on door**
"Eunkyung..." He said finally crying
"Eunkyung... please..." he said helpless leaning his head towards the door and weakly slams the door with his palms.

"No Shiyon." Eunkyung said.
"I can explain-" he said again
"NO SHIYON! NO! Do not tell me you can explain! That's what they all say! That cliché line." She shouts but starts to chuckle
"Isn't it funny?"
"They always say that just to prove themselves wrong and protect the horrible truth."
"That's the spell. I fell for it once. I knew you had an affair with her. But I loved you too much to let you go."


"I'm not falling for it again." Eunkyung said.

As the dead silence faded, sobs were heard and Shiyon heard a lock. He heard a lock that got... unlocked?
He stood up and quickly opened the door.
Before his eyes... he saw Eunkyung. Standing. On the edge of the window frame. He couldn't move. He stood there in shock.

"It was nice meeting you Shiyon. Thanks for letting me know how it feels to be loved... you know.. you were the first person to show me affection, and I don't mean love, I mean genuine affection. My family, never really gave me the affection and attention that parents normally give their daughters... but you came and showed me how it felt. I thank you for that, a lot. But knowing me, I'm not good enough. I understand. It's my time to leave now. Bye Shiyon." Eunkyung said as she smiled
"I love you." Then she let go of the edges that she held on.

"NO! EUNKYUNG!" Shiyon shouted as he tried to run for her but failed. He watched her fall from the building.


He saw her body, crashed on a car.

**beep** **beep** **beep** **beep**

The sound of the car kept going off.

Shiyon immediately took his phone out and called the ambulance from a hospital near by. Thankfully they came in merely 3 minutes.

-at the hospital-
"She's in very critical situation right now." The doctor told Shiyon.
"Oh and by the way, what's your relationship towards Ms. King Eunkyung?" She asked
"Oh- I.. I'm her boyfriend." He told her. His heart broke at what he said. He broke her heart but still had The audacity to call her his girlfriend. The girl that genuinely loved and cared about him.
"C-Can I see her?" Shiyon asked the doctor
"Yes sure. You can go inside." The doctor said

Shiyon saw Eunkyung lying down on the hospital bed motionless. He broke down in tears knowing that he caused this.
He walked to the side of Eunkyung's bed and fell down on his knees as he held Eunkyungs hand.
"Eunkyung." He said crying
"Eunkyung... I'm so sorry." Sobbing

**beep** **beep**

He was relieved that he heard her heart beating.

**beep** **beep**

Shiyon got shocked at the noise

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Shiyon got shocked at the noise.
He shook her.

The doctors heard him and rushed in. The nurse pushed him back as they began to use the defibrillators and try to bring back her heartbeat.

Shiyon was never religious but he prayed to god that time.
"God. God please. I pray that you save her. She's the only one I truly love. Please save Eunkyung. Please."
He begged as he closed his eyes hearing the doctors shout "CLEAR! CLEAR!" Over and over again.

~Eunkyungs View~
The last thing I heard before I blacked out was "Save her!" Someone shouted it.

And then I blacked out. For a while. I don't know if it was seconds, minutes, hours, or years. But all I saw was black.

Am I....


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