Chapter 3

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It was our first day of school and Natalia was less than' pleased. Our parents had already gone to work leaving us to wake ourselves up and get to school on time which would have been fine...except we didn't know where the school was. And to make matters worse we had to walk since we were only 15 and too young to drive, if I had been going through it alone I probably would have cried at that point. But I had my sister who had decided to make it her job to put us both down by any means necessary.

"We don't even know where it is! We're new so people will probably try picking on us and most likely take our money" she exclaimed as I locked the flat door. I turned to face her with an' annoyed look.

"Taking our money? Really? Kamila this isn't an' American movie it's real life and in London, plus I doubt they'll take our money. And they won't start on us unless we say something stupid so in short keep your mouth shut" I said warningly. she rolled her eyes and we started walking towards the lifts.

"So how are we supposed to find the school?" she asked crossing her arms. I shrugged.

"I dunno. Why are you so desperate to get to school anyway? Wasn't it you encouraging me to mitch school back in Manchester?" I asked knowingly. She sighed.

"Yes. Look I just think it might be good to go today so that they don't phone mum and dad, that way we'll be out of trouble for at least a few days" she explained. I nodded in thought.

"I suppose, d'you think those boys from yesterday know where the school is?" I asked hopefully.

"Maybe, but even if they did why would they tell us? They probably don't even go" she replied. I nodded in agreement and groaned when we reached the lifts.

"Out of order? Really?" Natalia exclaimed in annoyance. I opened the doors to the stairs and she soon followed.

"This is the worst day ever. And people wonder why teenagers hate Monday's" she said as we walked down.

"I know Nat'. Let's just get through today and then we won't have to worry about anything else. Okay?" I asked trying to cheer her up. I made it my duty when we were 10 to keep her calm no matter what...though it didn't always work.

"Yes, fine" she groaned. I smiled in satisfaction and we carried on walking.

We soon reached the exit door and I just knew it wasn't our best day "You've got to be joking" India said angrily while shaking her head. It was hammering down with rain and I knew we didn't have an' umbrella on us.

"Maybe we should run" I suggested. She turned to me and glared.

"In these shoes? No fucking way" she snapped. We were both wearing black nike trainers and even though they weren't that high I doubted we could run fast in them.

"Well then what do we do?" I asked gesturing to the rain outside.

"We could go back up to the flat and get an' umbrella. But I'm a lazy bitch and with the elevator not working there's no way I'm taking those stairs again" she said shaking her head.

"We could speed-walk? I need to go to the shop anyway and it's only down the street. While I get my drink you could ask someone where the school is, and if we need to we could get a bus I mean mum and dad gave us a tenner each" I pointed out. she sighed but nodded.

"I guess. Fine let's go and get wet" she muttered. I smiled in amusement before opening the door.

"Fuck" I sighed as we walked out into the rain.

We managed to reach the shop but not without consequence, both our hair was dripping wet and so were our clothes "You know I think we should have just stayed home today" I said rubbing my arms. Natalia glared at me...again.

"Now you say" she said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and walked down the isle to find the drinks while she walked off somewhere else. I soon found the drinks and I decided to grab the cheap coke to save on money "Kamila!" I looked down the isle to see Natalia walking towards me.

"Any good news?" I asked hopefully. She shrugged.

"I guess. Guy at the counter said there's a bus that stops across the street and it stops right outside the school. He said we'll know the school when we see it and the bus number is 13" she explained. I nodded and sighed in relief.

"At least we know how to get to school now" I said making my way towards the counter.

"Yeah, I wonder what it'll be like" she said in thought. I nodded and handed the register guy 60p.

"Same, probably a shit tip" I replied dropping the coke bottle into my bag.

"Well we are in London. But yah never know Kamila it might be alright" she said as we walked towards the exit. It was still raining but it was a bit lighter than' before.

"At least it's calmed down" I said shrugging. She nodded.

"Yeah, but I'm still fucking freezing and it doesn't help that our clothes are wet" she said with an annoyed tone. I rolled my eyes and once again walked out into the rain.

"Why must you constantly bring me down Ind'?" I asked making my way to the bus stop across the road.

"Because our lives wouldn't be as fun" she replied in a bored tone. I laughed and checked the bus times.

"2 Minutes. Best news I've heard all morning" I said grateful to not have to stand around in the cold for long.

"Thank fuck" India sighed sitting down on the bench. I sat next to her and pulled out my phone.

"How long do we have?" she asked.

"About half an' hour. School starts at 10 past 9" I replied shrugging and putting my phone back into my bag. She nodded.

"Good. D'you think the rest of our day is gonna be shit? I mean we haven't exactly had an' easy morning" she said glancing down at her still wet clothes.

"Well...I have no idea" I admitted shaking my head. She let her head fall back against the shelter glass and stared up at the ceiling.

"I hate Mondays" she muttered closing her eyes. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Drama queen. Oh bus is here" I exclaimed jumping down from the seat and walking around the shelter.

"That was quick" India said a little surprised. I shrugged and pulled out my money just as the double decker doors opened.

The bus started moving as soon as we got on and I stumbled agains't the stairs "Fuck" I exclaimed grabbing onto the pole next to me.

"Bloody driver" India muttered as we carried on walking up the stairs.

"Well at least now all we have to do is sit and wait" I pointed out while hopping into the front seat. India nodded and sat down in the opposite seats.

"I know right?" she asked dropping her bag onto the floor while lifting her feet up onto the seat.

"I'm actually nervous" I admitted taking off my wet coat and putting it down next to my bag.

"Why?" she asked curiously.

"Because we don't know anyone in that school, although I have to admit it would be scarier if I was doing it alone" I replied leaning my head against the seat.

"Ditto. I wonder what those boys are doing right now" she said in thought. I nodded.

"Oi look it is them girls!" A familiar voice shouted. India smiled and I rolled my eyes.

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