Chapter 5

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Author's Note:, I've never tried weed in my life so forgive me if I get anything wrong when descriving it. Also I apologize for not updating this story in a while, I've been busy. Anywho hope you enjoy the rest of the story and please review.


As soon as we entered the flat Natalia and I looked around, it wasn't unusual for us to inspect the room we were in when we first entered. It was more of a way to find an' escape route if we need to, and judging by the fact this flat was on the 19th floor out only escape route was through the front door.

I leaned against the living room while Natalia did the same on my left and Tia on my right, the boy's however had thrown themselves onto the sofa's and were obviously waiting for something. I turned to Natalia with a slight nervous look and she gave me a reassuring smile, it was kind of like a silent promise that we made and we'd been doing it since we were young. The look meant 'Together or not at all', in short either we both did it or neither of us did.

"You can sit down yah know, we won't bite" Biggz said shaking his head. We turned our head's to face them and found they were all watching us.

"Not unless you ask us to anyway" Dennis remarked earning snicker's from the rest of the group. Tia rolled her eyes before sitting down next to Moses who was against the arm of the sofa.

"Seriously though, we won't do nothin'" Pest reassured. Natalia took my hand in hers and led me towards the opposite sofa where Dennis and Biggz were sat...she was next to Dennis while I was sat next to Biggz.

"Yo you two look like you're about to run any minute" Biggz admitted slightly amused. I rolled my eyes again and Natalia took off her wet jacket before dropping it to the floor. She also kicked off her shoe's and lifted her leg's up onto the sofa, I could tell she was relaxed from the way she leaned back and played with her hair.

"What about you green eyes? You stayin' or what?" Pest asked leaning forward intently. All eyes were suddenly on me and in all honesty...I didn't like it. I glanced at Natalia who once again gave me the reassuring smile, I sighed and shook my head before reluctantly doing the same. They all cheered and I rolled my eyes while toying with my necklace.

"So what do we do now?" Natalia asked curiously.

"Anything you want...Nah we're waitin' for Ron to get back init, an' then when he does it's off to Wonderland" Dennis replied shrugging.

"What does that mean?" I asked narrowing my eyes in confusion.

"It mean's we're gettin' high love" Pest explained leaning back and slouching down on the sofa.

"By 'we' you mean?..." I paused.

"Us boy's and if you want you can try it" He shrugged. I nodded and stared at the floor in thought.

Natalia and I had done some crazy thing's to get back at our parent's in the past...Stealing, going to late parties, sex. But we'd never done drug's and there was a reason for that, whenever we did something our mind's needed to be clear in-case we ran into trouble. If we took drug's then all that sensibility would be gone and we could actually get hurt.

By the time I'd finished my deep thinking Ron had strolled back in with a few fag boxes in his hand's "Don't tell High-Hatz or he'll fucking kill me" he said warningly as he passed one box to each gang member. As they received the boxes their eye's lit up in excitement.

"I swear to god he won't here a word from me" Pest exclaimed opening up the box and pulling out a rollie.

"Ta Ron" Moses said, Ron nodded before disappearing back the way he came.

It had only been a few minute's since Ron disappeared and the room smelt strongly of weed, the boy's seemed a lot more relaxed and even Biggz had stopped fidgeting. The smell was strange but at the same time it actually smelt quite good, although I wouldn't be surprised if I got high from the fumes.

"Man I gotta piss" Biggz exclaimed slowly rising to his feet. He exited the room and I adjusted myself to a more comfortable position. Considering how random our day had been I shouldn't have been surprised when Pest came over and fell down onto the sofa next to me, he was holding a half smoked rollie and seemed to be quite relaxed.

"Try some" he said holding it out to me. I shook my head and pushed it back to him.

"No mate, I'm fine being normal" I replied crossing my arms. Someone nudged my left arm and I turned my head.

"Why don't we both try it" Natalia whispered her mouth right next to my ear. She pulled back and I noticed Dennis had sneakily managed to get his arm around her shoulder's.

"I don't know sis" I replied hesitatingly. She secretly held up her scarred hand I sighed.

"Fine, but if I start running down the hall naked I'm blaming you" I exclaimed. She smiled and nodded before turning to Dennis.

"Alright then" she said a lot more eager than' I was. He handed her the rollie and she slowly took a puff. She pulled back after a second and coughed slightly

"Don' worry, that always' happens on your first time. Do it again an' you'll be fine" Jerome piped up. He hadn't talked since we came in and I took a wild guess that weed made you slightly more confident.

"It's weird, but nice" Natalia admitted handing it back to him. He pushed it back towards her.

"You finish it off, I'll get another one" he shrugged pulling out the box again. She nodded and started to smoke while I sighed in thought.

"C'mon green eyes, your sister's doin' it you might aswell" Pest pointed out while offering me the rollie again. I shuffled low in my seat so that we were the same height before raising my knees so no one but him could see me.

"Fine" I sighed. He smiled and handed me the rollie before pulling out his own box.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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