Down With The King

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A/N: My past few have been more light hearted and this one is just like psych never mind all that. This is not a specific political statement but a general piece about how rulers affect the area they rule and how bad rulings lead to destruction. This was an assignment for a course I took that I wrote earlier. Ok, I'll stop talking and just put the poem now!

There is no shelter from reckless kings,

for they bring about the end of all things,

this is when the people rise,

with their resolution as concrete,

images of mutiny flood their mind,

destroy the reign, the legacy,

they tried to change his mind but he was too set in his pride,

so they set fire to the castles but kept the king inside,

the sweet scent of smoke filled their lungs and burned their eyes,

"down with the king," they said as they watched the kingdom burn,

down with the king.

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