Chapter 1

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Hey guys this is my first story. It probably has a few typos here and there but I hope you like it. Please vote and comment what you think! I will be updating regularly. Please do not steal my story and put it as your own! Thank you.


"Kori!" my mom screamed for the 10th time telling me to get ready for school. It wasn't my fault, I hate school and everyone inside it. Unfortunately I have no choice my mom, who's a successful doctor, thinks im going to follow in her footsteps...haha not. I already have my future plans set up and ready.

 I force myself out of bed and walk into the bathroom. I strip out of my clothes and step into the shower. As I finished I grabbed a towel and put it around my body and dragged my self into my room to find an outfit. I ended up pick out light skinny jeans, a purple hoodie and my black supras.

 I walk down the stairs and see my mom, dad and big brother eating breakfast. I never really talk with my family, only really my brother who I am a lot closer too than anyone because he relates to everything.

"Finally, what takes you so long every morning." Drake asked clearly annoyed like he always is.

"I am a girl. Isn't that enough to say."  I retorted as I grabbed a muffin and walked out with a goodbye. I go into the garage and walk right to my pitch black challenger. I get comfortable agreeing with the fact that I have to survive another day of hell and started off down the road. After 10 minutes of driving I reached the hell hole people call school. I parked my car and walked out.

As I do I hear whistling from behind me. I turn around and I see the one and only Justin Bieber with this little amateur gang. Well I probably shouldn't say amateur since they're on the list for Americas Most Wanted.

" You are so immature Bieber." I spat.

"Oh shut up, you know you want me. " He said as a smirk grew on his lips laughing to his boys.I took in the words and walked toward him.

"I knew you would come around Saginaw. Looks like your boy toy hasn't put a tight enough leash." He winked. As soon as those words left his mouth I smacked him.

"Oops my hand slipped. Sorry Bieber might want to keep your mouth shut next time." I laughed and started walking away. Before I took more than two steps I felt a cold hand snatch my arm. I turn to see Justin looking at me with eyes as dark as coal. His head goes to my ear and whispers, " You made a huge mistake doing that Kori. Im going to make you regret that."

I snatch my arm out of his grip and say "Reailty check Bieber. Im not scared of you."

I slightly turn around so I can go into the school, but before I am in the clear I hear Justin say," By tonight you wont be saying that. Keep your eyes open Saginaw." With that I leave into the school with chills down my spine. I'm not scared of him, I mean im not scared of any boy or anyone for that fact. Honestly, what could they possibly do to me? Ive been protecting myself since I was 13.

The rest of the day goes by pretty fast. My bestfriend isn't at school since she went to Italy to visit family, lucky bitch. I walked out of my last class and walked up the stairs to my locker. The faster I go the faster I can get the hell out of here.

Shit. I have to get my P.E. clothes from the gym lockers. I let out a groan and push myself down the stairs to the almost empty hallway since it's the last day of school before winter break.

Before I go into the locker rooms I see them again, Justin spots me and I turn away. I looked at him enough to know that he sent some guys my way. I start to quicken my pace and go into the locker room to see how far they would go. I slowed my pace when I remembered Im in the girls locker room. I sat on the bench and let out a much needed breath.  I don't have to worry about anything here.

I started thinking of what Justins capable of for unknown reasons. I mean Justin has killed people before, but so have I. He has killed more but I'm not far from him. If anything he should be afraid that a girl can put him in place.

Maybe I shouldn't have hit him, but he did deserve it. But nothing why am I letting him get to me.I stand and open my locker to take whats inside after I retrieved what I needed I closed my locker and suddenly the lights go off in the room.

Ugh, really. I groaned annoyed to the maximum. We have no windows in the locker rooms so it was pitch black. I grabbed my bag and put it on my shoulder. I heard a noise. "Coach, is that you?" I ask.

No response.

After, I remember my phone had a flashlight on it. I go on my phone and turn on the flashlight.

As soon as I put up my phone to guide the way, I see his smirk.


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