Chapter 3

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OMG! Im so sorry I took forever to post! You can kill me but I promise to update earlier like in about 2 days time i hope. I've been sososossoo busy! This chapter is short and crap but its something. Next chapter will be 10x better! Oh and btw there are probably alot of editing mistakes but yeah anywayyss...Hope you like it! -Amina xx

After about 3 rings Will finally picked up.


“Hey its Kori. I need your help.” I said getting straight to the point.

“Kori? Wow I never thought I’d hear your voice again. Not since you left the gang. Hows everything been?”

“Umm. I can talk about life later. Now I really need your help. Justin is after my family and will stop at nothing. He..he..he he already killed my brother right in front of me. And now hes after my parents but I was lucky enough to contact them to go on vacation. They need to be safe and im afraid I have no one else to go to except you.”

“Well I don’t know. I have to get something in return. You left the gang and I let you off without any sort of circumstance because I really care about you. And if I help you i..” but I interrupted him.

“God Will I don’t know. After its all done I will give you anything for saving the lives of my family. Just please. Justin will find out they’re gone faster than you think.”

“Kori. Don’t interrupt me if you want me to help. I was about to say something before you interrupted me rudely.  If I help you you will go back into the gang. Deal?”

I have no choice I needed his help. He is the only person I trust enough and all my other friends would freak out if I told them whats going on.

“Fine Will. Come pick me up at a Chinese restaurant on Main Street. And be fast.”

“See you in 10.”

I hung up and walked to the lady who gave me her phone.

“Thank you.” I said while handing her the phone.

“Anytime. Glad I could help darling.”

I smiled and walked out the door and waited for Will.

Before Will came I started thinking. Is everything with the gang different? Do they hate me? Do they want to kill me?

Whatever way it was I didn’t care. I was determined to find Justin and kill him once and for all. And maybe even go after his mom and dad.


 I was taken out of my thoughts by Wills red Chevy Camaro.

“Get in will ya.” Will said.

I hopped into the car and Will drove off.

“You look different.” Will said breaking the silence between us.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” I said meekly, “You do to.”

“Well thanks. So do you have any plan as to what we are going to do about Bieber and his gang?”

The question Will asked me is the question I’ve been asking myself the whole day.

What is my plan with going against probably the most powerful gang leader in New York and maybe even the u.s.

Sensing my silence Will spoke up with a laughing tone, “You don’t have a clue do you?” .

“Not a bit. This is going to be harder than I thought. Oh and Will don’t tell the gang why I am here. Just say I’m helping you with something important. I don’t want any of them knowing whats really going on.”

“Okay no problem. When we get to the house follow me to the basement and we will start working on the plan.”

“Okay.” I said while nodding.

The rest of the ride was silent. I was too deep in thought to speak and I had a feeling Will knew that.

So much has happened in the past days. I’m still in shock.

After what felt like forever we arrived to the house. I opened my door and got out following behind Will.

The house was a lot bigger then I remember. We walked up to the front door of the house and walked in. Everyone was around the tv watching but when we walked in they all turned.

I saw mostly surprised faces.

“Hey guys” I said in a whisper.

“Hey.” They replied while getting up and coming towards me.

“Long time since we have seen you Saginaw.” Luke said.

Luke was tall and muscular with messy jet black hair. He was the funny one. Even when we were doing missions he would crack up a joke.

All the other guys will be introduced later. Promise. (: xx –(A/N

“Haha yeah. I’ll talk to you guys later Will and I have an important task at hand.” I said while following behind Will into the basement. 

We walked down the black carpeted staircase into the room where all of our meetings were held.

A small room with a projector and desk with about 10 chairs around it.

I sat down at the head of the table and Will sat across from me.

“Lets get started.”

Thank you for reading! if you liked it vote and comment please. (:

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