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Chapter 12


It's been a week, a fucking week tracking my female and she is still out there. We keep picking up her scent only to lose it again. Every time I catch that lavender smell my beast becomes feral with need for her. I'm starting to fear what he will do when he sees her. The need to see her is overwhelming. My control is slipping each day that goes by.

We stopped to make camp for the night. I can see that Blake is stood next to Brian. The fucking human who wants what it mine. It is still taking every ounce of restraint not to tear the little bastard apart. Blake catches my glare and feels the power surging from me. I smell Brians fear, and my wolf relishes in it; he's getting high off of it. I can't help but push the little bastard further.

"So human, how long have you wanted something that's not yours"

Brian tenses briefly, and looks at me regaining his composure. He tries to remain impassive but I can smell the fear radiating off of him. Tension creeps over the camp making the air thick and stifling.

"I won't repeat myself boy" The bastard can't even look at me in the eye.

"Who says I have wanted something that's not mine beast, who says it's not already mine" He snarls with confident smug smirk. It takes a split second before his face falls with the deafening growl my beast lets out.

Blake curses and tries to hold me back " You had to provoke him, didn't you, you little shit! You have no idea what you just did!"

"Blake move!! I am going to kill this bastard once and for all. There's not many who will miss him. The humans will see this traitor's death as a fucking peace offering!!"

All I hear is my blood whooshing in my ears and the sound of my heart beating erratically. A fog of violence has come over me and all I see is red. Blood. This bastards blood spread everywhere over the forest floor. I try to push the images back and regain control, but violence is all I keep seeing. Blakes voice brings me back to the surface.

"Declan, calm down! Don't let the little prick get to you. You and I both know she was never his. He was just a fucking dog chasing after a bone. A bone that didn't want him---"

Laughter erupts from Brian cutting Blake off. "What a interesting analogy dog" he sneers.

A loud boom stops us all followed by faint sounds of metal crashing. "What the fuck was that" Blake says as he's looking to the west of us. An unsteady feeling comes across me as I smell the air. Something's wrong really wrong.

"We need to go, now." I don't wait for a response, and just head towards the sound. It was faint but my hearing still picked it up. My beast is clawing to get out, He feels his mate out there. The need to get to her is overwhelming.

I surge forward knowing my men will follow. Something is puling me toward fire. I can feel the flames from miles ahead. My beast is warning me that something powerful lies ahead.


As I push through the trees I can see the flames of the fire and mangled up metal. Instantly I catch the faint smell of my mate. My wolf is going crazy inside with worry. She is alive, we would know if she perished. I try to tell him. I can't lose control right now.

Blake come up beside me followed by my men and Brian. "I can smell her she was here" Brian tenses at my words.

Stalking forward I find the boy who ran off after the chancellor was shot, slumped over. He was dead. My mind was running wild. He took my mate, he was the reason she was in danger and my beast was elated at the thought of his death. I relished in the fact that it was filled with pain. This boy was the sole reason my mate was endanger right now. His body mangled and covered in blood brought a sick smile to my face. I am only sad it wasn't by my hand.

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