Valentines Day- Peter Parker

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           You've been dating Peter for a year now. You both have known each other since you both were in 3rd grade. You were there for him through all his heartaches and when his parents passed away. He had your shoulder to cry on, he had you there for him when he needed to be loved and held. The best thing he has from you was that you have always been best friends. You both love each other very much but never really said it out loud, you just showed it with the little habits you both do for each other. When ever either one of you was at home sick, you'd make a bowl of soup and cuddle while watching movies. If either of you was being bullied you'd stand up for each other (even if it ended badly). By the time you both were in your sophomore year (10th grade) you both finally admitted that you both love each other. Now you're both in your Senior year and still as strong as you were when you first met. 

          Peter has been nothing but kind to you. He's made you feel safe and at home with just a simple hug in the hall way or a kiss on the cheek when he had to go back home to help his Aunt May. This year was your first Valentines Day being together. Since you both just gave each other chocolates anyway, even when you weren't dating...Peter wanted to do something special. He had big ideas that he needed help with in order to make them happen. But 'who' could possibly have tons of money and be able to 'help' Peter you might ask? A sarcastic, snarky, egotistic, bad ass, who knows he's good looking. The one and only Tony Stark helped Peter for weeks on end to make the night special for you both. 

          Peter wants nothing more but to make you happy. He loves to see you smile, or laugh and your eyes squint in an adorable way. Everything about you seems to be beautiful within his eyes. 

"Good Morning Beautiful." you heard Peter's voice behind you while you were getting your textbooks from your locker for your first hour. 

"Good Morning Handsome." you said as you set your stuff down to turn around. He wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled into your neck as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and ran your hands through his soft brown curls. You felt him take a deep breath and exhaled as he eased into you while you were petting his head. 

"I swear, you're like an adorable puppy sometimes." you chuckled at his cuteness. 

"It's not my fault I like to cuddle with you and let you pet my head." he said as he pulled back and lightly brushed his lips upon yours. You both smiled and he helped you grab your things from your locker as you both walked to class. 

Today just went by like any other ordinary day, except people giving each other chocolates and cards. You both ate lunch with Ned and MJ. You all laughed and MJ cracked a few smiles here and there as she read her book. Today was a good day, you enjoyed spending time with your friends. They always make you smile even if another person tries to ruin it. 

The bell rang in your last hour of school and you Peter went to your lockers to put stuff away as he led you to the school exit to hangout at the coffee shop you always go to when schools ends everyday. Today was a little different though. When you and Peter got to the coffee shop he started getting nervous all of a sudden and it scared you. 

"Peter is everything alright? Today has been a really good day and you're scaring me with the way that you're acting." 

Just as you were questioning him, his eyes widened and he was caught off guard for a few seconds but he was desperately trying to calm down.

"N-no everything is perfectly fine Y/N. Please don't be concerned, that's the exact opposite way I want you to feel." he said while rubbing the back of his neck with the palm of his hand. 

"Okay, I'm just worried because you look like a nervous wreck..."


You both walked out of the coffee shop after talking for a few hours. Once you both stepped outside it was dark. Peter held your hand and stood in front of you. 

"I'd like to take you somewhere. If that okay with you?" He put on his puppy face that always gets to me. you nodded your head and kiss him lightly on the lips. He pulled you along in the park near where you both live. As he continued to drag you along, you started to see strung up lights and soft music playing that made you smile. He saw your reaction and smiled brightly knowing that it made you feel magical. 

(This is what I was kind of picturing it to look like

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(This is what I was kind of picturing it to look like. Just put a bench with comfy cushions on it somewhere.)

Peter stopped upon the bench with cushions, you both sat down and he pulled the picnic basket from underneath the bench. 

"Y/N, Today is the day of confession for me. We've got many confessions checked off of the list of our life. Like how I love you and that you figured out that I was Spiderman, 2 days after I even tried to be Spiderman in our freshman year. I want to confess something much more. I love you for not only how complete and utterly beautiful you are but also for the fact that you're kind, loving, strong, and you don't need to act like someone else to be happy. You're lazy sometimes but that just gives me the chance to hold you in my arms and cuddle with you as you eat Ice cream and watch the Notebook.....I love you Y/N and I want to make a promise that I will love you for as many years that pass by." 

You sat there shocked (I almost put shook, sorry to ruin the moment but I wanted to add that in for the laugh from you readers.) 

Peter took your hand in his and put a promise ring with a small carving in it 'Peter + y/n' and put it on to your ring finger. You looked up at him and pressed your lips upon his as he practically sat you on his lap to bring you closer to him. You both kissed with passion that you both have been bottling up for months. He put an hand on your cheek as you put a hand on the back of his head and ran your fingers through his hair. He sighed against your lips and you smiled within the kiss. You both pulled away to breath but Peter pulled you back to brush his lips against yours. Your heart beat rushed as he held you in his arms. He could probably hear it but you could also hear his heartbeat quicken every second you spent just grazing your lips against his. 

"I love you too Peter. So much, I hope to spend the rest of my years alive with you. You make me feel safe and at home every time you hold me. You're like a breath of fresh air for me that keeps me calm and I don't think I could live without that feeling. You're like my personal dream catcher, you keep the evil away." you whispered against his lips. 

He rested his forehead against yours as you both were still holding each onto each other. As the night continued on, you both held on to each other and laughed about your happy moments in life because those are the only kind of moments you have ever had with him. 

Happy, Positive, Free, and Loving....

Tom Holland x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now