6 Ash

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Ash looked in the mirror one more time to make sure her curls were in place, and her makeup was pristine. The artist who put her together stood by at the ready in case she needed a touchup, but she was satisfied with the result. Smacking her lips together one last time, Ash twirled in the floor length evening gown she wore to check the back.

It was a Chervindy, one of the newest up-and-coming designers to hit the fashion scene, and most patrons had to wait months for a custom gown. The under-cloth of hers was a dark blue metallic color. Over it lay black lace which muted the shimmer underneath and caused the dress to glow with ethereal elegance. The lace was studded with rhinestones, sparse at her waist but growing into a mosaic of blue shades at her bust. The opaque fabric rose to a sweetheart neckline revealing the lush curves of her bosom, leaving the lace to cover the full length of her arms and part of her shoulders. Open from a clasp under the nape of her neck and down the long column of her back, the dress stopped just high enough to not be considered indecent.

For the finishing touches, Ash picked up a set of sapphire earrings, a sapphire and white gold necklace, and a matching bracelet her Aunt made for her, donning each piece in turn. Satisfied with her appearance, Ash opened the door and walked into the living room, finding both men waiting for her.

Ztari was a shadow, dressed in black from head to toe. Though she couldn't see his concealed weapons, she knew they were there. She'd had a long argument with Gray about not being able to take his own weapons with them. He wasn't pleased, but he relented when she pointed out he wouldn't have anywhere to stash them.

Ash's eyes flashed to Gray next, and she was taken aback. Gone was the rough and tumble man she'd spent the day with. Standing in his place was a debonair playboy who would be comfortable in any social gathering. The air of danger he held around himself was still present, but it acted to enhance his devil may care charm.

Something alien reflected in his eyes as he gave her a slow, lingering once over. A smile cracked over his lips, one side tilted higher than the other. He walked towards her, his stalking gait reminding her of a predator on the hunt, and took her hand in his.

"You look," Gray paused, lifting her hand. Instead of kissing the back, he turned it in his grasp, bringing the inside of her wrist to his lips and running them gently over the soft skin before continuing, "ravishable."

Gray's tone, the way he looked at her, his hunger, sent a wave of desire crashing through her body. Her skin broke into gooseflesh as he took a step closer, invading her space with his presence. He inhaled, and his grin grew wider as if he could smell her arousal. Ash trembled under his intense stare, her eyes widening as he drew mere inches away from her.

"Don't you mean ravishing?" Ash whispered on a breath, causing her voice to hitch.

"I stand by my words." The silver in his eyes swirled, fighting the gray for dominance.

Ztari cleared his throat, breaking the spell Gray put her under, and Ash took a step back. Gray's eyes lidded and he shot a glare over his shoulder at the other man. With a sigh, he stepped back as well. "Where is your coat?"

"In the closet behind you." Ash took the time he spent gathering the garment to collect herself. No one had ever thrown her off like that, it was disconcerting. Gray placed the long black wool coat around her shoulders before donning his own and led her to the door with his hand placed on the small of her back. Ash swore she could feel the heat of his touch through the heavy fabric. Ztari and the artist followed, allowing her to lock up before their party rode the elevator in silence.


They walked into the ballroom of the historical house, rented for the benefit, with Ash's hand lying in the crook of Gray's arm. He stood tall and proud, every inch of his being screaming that he belonged there, amongst the glittering jewels of Society.

Hunter in Seattle - Supernatural City Book 2Where stories live. Discover now