7 Grayson

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Their party rode in O'Hallahan's stretch limousine toward his house. The Leprechaun rocked back and forth, clutching an old leather satchel Ash gave him along with the coins, at her condo. They stopped only briefly to gather an overnight bag for Ash and to change out of their evening clothes. Gray felt more comfortable in denim and leather with his blades close at hand. He was deadly without them, but sometimes a situation arose where sharpened silver worked better than claws.

He lounged back, riding in the rear facing position, watching his companions in silence. Ztari, eyes hooded and arms crossed, sat across from him. The vampire said nothing, but observed as Gray did, for any sign of mischief. Grays attention kept being pulled to the woman sitting next to him. Seeing her in that ballgown, immersed in a world he would never understand, highlighted the differences between them.

Ash moved like a butterfly, from one group to another, laughing and smiling like she wanted to be nowhere else. There was a moment though, away from the crowd when she thought no one was watching, where the mask slipped, and he saw sadness. Gray wondered if she even noticed. What would it be like to be born into a world that expected so much of you? How many people could stand that pressure without cracking? Ash was strong, he saw it in her movements, the way she spoke, the way she held herself like a queen. How many people got a chance to see a softer side of her? He knew he wanted to. Ash was adorable when he threw her guard off.

Looking up from the screen of her phone, she smiled at O'Hallahan, and the beast in him grew agitated. He only wanted her to smile at him. Closing his eyes, he pushed the urge to snap at O'Hallahan back. Ash was her own woman, he had no right to be upset. He perked up when she said, "I was just talking to my aunt. She's already at your house. I told her we would pull up soon. She's brought everything she needs to make whatever charms you require."

O'Hallahan started, seeming surprised there were other people in the car. He blinked several times as if noticing his surroundings and nodded. "Yes, we should pull in soon." Ash raised her eyebrows as they stopped, waiting for the gates of the private estate to admit them. Shaking her head in disbelief, she tucked her phone into her pocket.

Gray scooted around the seat until he was sitting next to her, his thigh pressed against hers. Leaning in close, he savored a whiff of her personal scent, and whispered, "You trust him?"

"Yes." Ash turned to answer, her face a breath from his. A blush touched her cheeks as an almost unnoticeable shiver ran through her shoulders. "He agreed to an oath. If he breaks it, his cauldron will fracture and become useless. No Leprechaun would risk that."

"How did you know what he was?"

"My aunt told me." Ash looked out the window at the house as they pulled around the drive. The car came to a halt, and a butler opened the door for them. Ztari was the first to leave the vehicle, looking around the property before moving out of the way for Ash. She stepped out next with Gray close behind. He took his own inventory of their surroundings, looking for any threat towards the woman in front of him. Without letting her walk far from his side, Gray helped O'Hallahan out of the vehicle. The man refused to let go of his prize for even a second.

As they walked into the brick laid entrance, Gray's eyes widened at the view they were treated to. He didn't know what he expected, but the grand house didn't disappoint. A wall of windows opened to the bay behind the house. The yard, lit by lamps placed with expert care, sloped down to the waterfront. O'Hallahan led their party into a well-appointed sitting room. Leather furniture dotted the room, most arranged around a fireplace with flames crackling in the grate. The beige walls held numerous works of art and Gray had no doubt they were originals. A baby grand piano decorated one corner, flanked by Grecian statues.

Hunter in Seattle - Supernatural City Book 2Where stories live. Discover now