Amazon & Reviews

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First of all, a HUGE thank you to everyone who read this book. I really appreciate all the support I've received from the community while writing it!

As always, my books will remain free to read on WP during production and editing until they are published on Amazon!

It's quite crazy to see the evolution from dream to story on paper, but the rewarding feeling of finishing is indescribable!

For everyone who read this story while it was free on WP and found enjoyment out of it, it would mean the world to me if you would hop over to Amazon or GoodReads and leave a review! It's scary being a new author but your comments, votes, and views mean the world to me!

PLEASE PLEASE go leave a review!!

You may want to put in the following Tag:

DISCLAIMER: I received a free advanced copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. (put in the comments section for easy copy and paste)

I am literally begging you to go leave a review. Like, I can't get down any further on my knees begging...

This book in its entirety is being sold on Amazon for $2.99 or FREE with Kindle Unlimited! You can reach the Amazon page using the link next to the star :D

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