The Ending

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Hello everyone and welcome to this (long overdue) update! I unfortunately will not continue with this series. I started it back when I was a freshman in high school and, quite frankly, don't even remember the direction I was taking this fic. I'm sorry that I can't continue on this work  and honestly I don't even watch Supernatural anymore (stopped during season 10 and let me say it NEEDS TO BE CANCELLED. IM SORRY BUT IT'S BEEN GOING ON WAY TOO LONG WE ALL KNOW IT). Anyways I'd like to thank everyone who commented, you've made my day. And also thank you to everyone who read it! I did put a lot of effort into those three chapters I wrote and I appreciate you taking time out of your day to look at what I've done. This show was a big part of my life for many years and I really poured my (14 year old) heart into this fic. Thanks for sticking around all these years. Its been real.


**DISCLAIMER** I understand that most of you don't agree with the statement that the show should've ended at season 5. That doesn't invalidate YOUR opinion. That doesn't invalidate MY opinion. It's not a personal attack on you. Please stop trying to tell me that I wasn't or am not a "real fan" because of my opinion on how long the show should have run for.

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