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HAVE YOU ever thought about what your future would be like? What it has in store for you? Where you would live, how stable your life would be, or better yet, who you would fall in love with? The thought crossed my mind everyday.

In today's society, you don't just come across a random stranger, get to know them and fall in love. It doesn't work that way.

The moment you are born, a symbol is on your wrist yet it's invisible. Your doctors can't see it, your parents can't see it, not even yourself. Over the years as you get older, the symbol slowly begins to form little by little, the design is fully shown by the age of seventeen. It's something you are born with but no one knows how it got there in the first place.

Some people believe it has to do with religion and others believe it has to do with the government. I don't really care, I mean, it's a symbol that determines who you fall in love with.

Most of the seniors at school have found their 'soulmate'. The biggest asshole in the school was soulmates with the girl he bullied continuously for years. They ended up falling in love together because of the stupid symbol. Your soulmate could literally be anyone.

How do you know who's your soulmate?

Your symbol dimly lights up when you're near your soulmate. Once you find them, the symbol glows brightly before it becomes dark, the symbol turning from white to black.

It's the weirdest shit I've ever heard but I learned to deal with it. This was society's way of telling people to shut the fuck up and just fall in love.

I rubbed my eyes while looking down at my wrist, my finger aimlessly tracing the design as I took in a deep breath. Everyone found their soulmate but me. do I not have a soulmate?

I knew I was going to be single for my whole life.

I sighed and stood up, walking towards my door and swinging it open. "Mom?" I shouted, hearing the commotion downstairs.

"Yes baby?" I heard her sweet voice from downstairs, all the movement suddenly stopping. I rushed downstairs and headed towards the kitchen, peaking my head around the corner to see her hand on her hip.

"You okay?" I raised my eyebrow, watching her reach for the top shelf. I watched her struggle a bit more before I reached over and grabbed what she was reaching. I handed it to her, watching the biggest smile form on her lips.

"Thank you baby," She pecked my cheek, "Why do you look so upset? Is it about the symbol again?"

I rolled my eyes as I pulled myself up onto the kitchen counter. "Is it that obvious?"

She let out a snort, pouring some spice into a pot. "Imani, it's all you've been worrying about since you turned seventeen," She gave me a small smile, "You know I already told you-"

"My soulmate isn't going to come around right away, it takes time." I cut her off, repeating what she has told me for the past year since I turned seventeen.

She walked up towards me, her hand caressing my cheek, "I promise you'll find them soon."

I looked down, twiddling with my fingers before pushing myself off of the counter. I walked out of the kitchen and back to my room, the symbol thing still stuck in the back of my mind including my mom's words.

What if I never find my soulmate? What if I don't even have one, will I be one of those cases?

I shrugged the thought off, collapsing back onto my bed and reaching for my phone.

despacito: are you going to answer my messages

despacito: hell fucking o??

despacito: you're always on your phone but somehow never answer me

despacito: literally what the fuck

despacito: okay don't answer me

despacito: it's been five minutes, HELLO

me: what do you want

despacito: omg you're alive, wow

me: no shit

despacito: anyways

despacito: what are you doing

me: is that what you really spammed me for

me: are you serious

despacito: yes

despacito: it was a serious question

despacito: now what are you doing

me: wishing i wasn't texting you xoxo

despacito: you know what

despacito: goodnight

me: AHAA

despacito: considering you aren't doing anything atm

despacito: can i come over

me: no

me: absolutely nOT

despacito: why what

me: are you kidding

despacito: uh does it sound like it??

me: it's almost nine?? are you okay

despacito: are you genuinely asking or

me: omg

despacito: can i come over

me: no astrid

me: do your homework

me: i know you haven't done it

me: i mean

me: you ARE the astrid despacito!

me: esposito***

despacito: -

despacito: goodnight

me: night xoxo

I set my phone onto my nightstand, pushing myself off my bed. I walked into the bathroom mindlessly ignoring my reflection in the mirror as I turned on the water from the shower. My mind wandered back to the thought, silently cursing at myself for thinking about it.

I tossed my shirt on the floor before jumping into the shower, letting out a hiss once the steaming water hit my back.

I changed the temperature, moving back into the water and letting it run down my body. I felt my symbol sting, looking down at my wrist. I watched it flicker, blinking twice before it was empty again. What the fuck.


please let me know what you think of the first chapter! i'm really excited for this book and hope you all are too!

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