Chapter 6

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Taren and Thomas waited until Rhys had left the house and they were assured of privacy before they spoke. It also gave them both a few moments to mull over what had taken place.

"Well?" asked Taren.

"If and I do mean if, he survives his mother. That boy might just end up being what he reads on paper." Thomas paused thoughtfully. "So long as he takes a few steps back and realises there's more to life than popularity. Boy needs to learn how to be a brother." He laughed. "That's one hell of a family he came from Taren." He shook his head. "We might just have our work cut out for us there."

Taren rubbed a hand over his face, this was Siobhan's brother, her family. He'd need to tread lightly, even if all he wanted to do was rip their throats out for the way they'd treated her. "Keep an eye on him. The locals like him. He might just be the best way to help smooth our way in with some of the men in the community. They trust him and I'd like to recruit a few."

Thomas nodded, "Already looking into possible recruits. I was thinking though," he grinned. "I might have a chat with your Siobhan, you know get the low down on each of them."

Taren growled, making Thomas laugh, "Fine I'll ask Coral, and don't worry, I'll go easy there. She's quite a woman."

Rhys had stormed off dragging the damned cage with him. He strode out the front door heading toward his car stopping only to dump the cage in the back seat before getting in and preparing to take off. After taking a couple of deep calming breaths that he knew wouldn't help, Rhys put the key in the ignition, turned it, put the car in drive, released the hand brake then pushed his foot on the pedal so he could move away.

He did this slowly, but once he was out of the driveway and on public roadway Rhys quickly sped up wanting to get far away from those that were frustrating him. He made a B-line for the local tip, dumping the cage as he realised he wasn't going to need it anytime soon, then he took a long drive hoping it would help calm his anger before getting back to work.

Once he calmed down, Rhys realised he needed to go home to speak with his parents and reiterate what Taren had said to him. He wasn't looking forward to it. His mother never liked being told what she could or couldn't do by anyone. He had no idea how she'd react to what their new Alpha had told him to say and truth be told, he'd sooner have a run in with a riled up bull.

He parked his car out front, rested his head on his hands over the steering wheel for several moments trying to get his bearings. Taking a deep breath then slowly releasing it, Rhys got out of his car and made his way into his parents' home. It was late afternoon so they would both be home saving him to trouble of having to wait for his father to return home from work.

He made his way into the living room to find them both sitting quietly. His father watching a news program on television a glass of scotch in his hand. His mother flicking through a fashion magazine with a cocktail on their designer coffee table. She glanced up, but didn't speak, not surprising Rhys at all.

Rhys cleared his throat, getting their attention, "I, umm." He sighed. "I not long left a meeting with Taren."

His mother smiled at the mention of Taren. Rhys's position as Head of Security for the new Alpha made for some interesting conversation and it made her look good in the eyes of her friends as well as others in the community. She waited expectantly for her son to continue.

Rhys could see this and wasn't looking forward to her reaction to what he had to say. He looked at his father, but couldn't get a read off him so took a seat opposite them both before continuing.

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