Chapter 13

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Taren felt something settle inside him as he realised he no longer needed to worry about having to 'claim' Siobhan as his own. The words, though left unspoken, were now there between them and soon she would be his. Of that he was certain. Smiling he went in search of Owen.

He would place his precious gift in a frame to hang with pride of place in the main living room. In the place where he hoped one day there would hang a portrait of him with his mate.

Half an hour later he placed the frame on the wall and stepped back, a smile playing on his lips. He turned to Owen who had given him the frame. "I wonder?"

"What was that?" asked Owen.

"Just thinking out loud for now. I have a couple of errand I need to attend to in town. I'll be back in a couple of hours."

"Of course." Replied Owen as he looked up at the likeness of Taren on the wall. It was as good a sketch as any he'd seen done by a professional artist. Shivey was proving to be talented indeed.


The next few days went by calmly, Taren met each of the local men being recruited at the Barbeque and seemed satisfied with what Thomas and Rhys had said about them. Two of them, Henry Jenkins and John Tanner had asked for a quiet word with him.

They reported that they'd had lunch with both Siobhan and Coral. Explaining that they'd stayed with them in case Siobhan's mother tried to cause a problem. They went on to describe what had taken place at the café. Taren had been impressed with what they had to say and thanked them for stepping up.

Taren was proud of Siobhan for what she'd done. Not for standing up to her mother, but for telling her to speak to him and walking away. He was however disappointed that she hadn't spoken to him about it. He decided to wait, hoped she'd bring it up. If not he'd let her know that it had been brought to his attention.

He was about to walk away when he noticed that there was something more the men had to say. "Spit it out." He said.

"We followed the women home, to make sure they got there safe and wouldn't be followed." Said Henry.

Then John spoke up, "Shivey showed us around, you know, showed us what she does and when we saw the window boxes, I asked if she'd mind dressing one for my mother. Henry's father runs a saw mill and we could buy the wood cheap or even get off cuts for nothing. I'm good with my hands." He shrugged.

"So you are both going into business with Siobhan?" asked Taren.

"Not exactly," said Henry, "we thought we'd make a couple for our mothers, smaller than the ones Shivey has and if they like them... maybe make a few more and put them in the local florists or set up a stall at the market and see what happens."

Taren thought on the idea, mulling it over. "This would mean you'd be spending a fair bit of time with Siobhan and Coral. You'd be able to keep an eye on them, make sure they were safe."

"Of course. And she's also invited her brother to come visit. He was supposed to have come to the barbeque this weekend, but said he couldn't make it." Taren nodded realising that he had Rhys doing other things that day.

"It's good to know you'll both be close by if she is in need of support. Is this going to end up a huge..."

"No!" interrupted John. "This is more a fun hobby type thing. And if we make a few dollars in the bargain." He shrugged, a grin on his face.

"Okay then. But as far as Siobhan and Coral know you didn't ask me if it was okay."

"No sir!" they answered as one.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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