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Taehyung was in class and sat in a seat with Jimin next to him.

Jungkook took a deep breathe and sat next to Taehyung.

Tae kept his eyes facing forewords, where the teacher was currently standing.

But Jungkook's eyes were directed to Taehyung.

"You are so beautiful"

Jungkook said the words in his brain, but to Taehyung.

There is no way in hell he would say that to him.

"Welcome class!"

The words were a blur to Jungkook.

Everything was a blur, except the stunning face of Taehyung's.

He finally had the guts to sit next to Taehyung.

Every day he would sit all the way in the back and count every strand of hair on Taehyung.

It's just what he found fun

Every single thing that Taehyung did, made Jungkook's heart flutter.

And that's when

He noticed the glowing silver wrapped around Taehyung's neck.

The necklace he gave him

He melted

Just seeing Taehyung wear what Jungkook have to him, made him go crazy.

Jungkook had many gifts for Taehyung.

But he just kept it for his imagination

Taehyung randomly smiled

The younger made visible heart eyes and slumped back in his chair.

I'm not obsessed! It's just every time you move, it makes me want to keep you forever.

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