Chapter 5

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A/N I'm actually thoroughly enjoying writing this fic and I'm pretty proud of it

"So, lemme get this straight. You were experimented on by some people employed by Thanos, to create some sort of slave slash soldier. They didn't manage to perform the whole procedure, but you've now got powers that are similar to what the Power Stone creates. And, you've been helping Peter with some of his missions?"

"That's... pretty much it, yeah." We had just relayed the story to Tony and the wizard about how I got my powers. The wizard still hadn't actually introduced himself, so I asked him.

"Hey, sorry, I didn't get your name," I stated.

"Yeah, I'm Peter Parker by the way," Peter commented.

"Doctor Strange," the man replied.

"Oh, we're using our made-up names. I'm Spider-Man, then."

"And I'm The Amethyst," I butted in. I made eye contact with Peter for a while in silent conversation. We had debated superhero names together for a while, but hadn't used anything because I never needed to be named by anyone who didn't know my real name. However, The Amethyst was a name I liked; it was a bright purple gem, which I think suited me well. Having a "superhero name" also made me feel important.

"Ok love birds, lets figure out a plan and stuff," Tony interrupted. Both Peter and I spluttered out protests at the nicknames.

"We aren't dating!" I finally managed out.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

It was then I decided to stare out the window as we came in to our destination. And we weren't going in slowly. Tony had the same moment of understanding as I, and we both grabbed at the ship's controls.

"Jungle Fury*, you're on the left one, I'll go right. We gotta do it at the same time," Tony said. I nodded, and chuckled slightly at the Power Rangers reference. "3, 2, 1, pull up and left! Left, left, left!"

Doctor Strange took this moment to encapsulate us in a large, orange force field. "Grab onto something, we're not gonna dodge this!"

Peter lunged our to grab my arm, and I held on to the ship's controls.

Bang! Crash! Thump!

And we were finally on the ground.

I groaned, pushing off from the controls in front of me. I heaved Peter up beside me as well, and Tony rose to my right. Strange was still standing.

"Everyone ok?" I questioned. No one seemed hurt, but it felt good to ask. I was met with a chorus of "yes"s and "mmhmm"s.

We didn't have time to recollect. There was a loud shout, and then we were attacked by a squad of people. Immediately, I was locked in battle with a really buff dude with grey and red skin. He slashed at me with knives, and I dodged every one. My instincts felt... heightened. My reflexes had never been this fast; even Alien Cena in front of me seemed surprised at my ability.

I eventually recovered from the shock of being attacked by the gang, and started an offensive play.

I dodged Cena's knife, then swept my legs underneath him, pushing forwards with my abilities. He clattered to the floor, disarmed from dropping his knives. He grabbed my leg to try and pull me down as well, but I flipped over him as he tried to pull me to the side, grabbing his neck and targeting all my strength into my arm. I pushed Alien Cena upwards, slamming him into a wall with my other hand pointing towards his chest, glowing with the possibility of using my lasers.

I glanced around to find everyone in similar positions, whether in my favour or not. Peter was being held with a gun against his head by someone who looked suspiciously human. Tony had a bug-person-thing under his foot, his repulser aimed at it's head. It looked female, but I wasn't sure. Strange had glowing orange shields on his fists, and was pointing them at Peter and his captor.

"Where is Gamora?!" Peter's captor growled.

"I'll do you one better, who is Gamora?" Tony countered.

Alien Cena spoke up beside me, "I'll do you one better! Why is Gamora?"

Everyone, including his teammates, stared over at him, confused.

Strange was the next to speak up. "What master do you serve?"

"Master? What am I supposed to say? Jesus?"

"You're from Earth," Tony concluded.

"I'm from Missouri!" The person replied.

"That's on Earth, dipshit!" I called from the side where I stood. Both Tony and I dropped our hands, freeing our captives.

"Wait, who are you guys?" The dude replied. He pressed a button by his ear, and his mask came off, retreating to where he tapped. He also loosened his hold on Peter, allowing him to also take off his mask.

"We're the Avengers, dude."

"You're the ones Thor told us about!" the insect Tony had had pinned spoke, her feminine voice making me more comfortable with calling her "her".

"You know Thor?" Tony asked, helping the bug up.

"Yeah, tall, thin, not very handsome." Peter and I exchanged looks. Not handsome?

"So you don't work with Thanos?" Doctor Strange spoke up again.

"What? No! We're against Thanos!" The man said, dropping Peter.

"Great, ok!" I said, walking over to the group, leaving Alien Cena. "Well we're on the same side, so let's do introductions and stuff, then come up with a plan, because Thanos is pretty likely to come here to find me and Doctor Strange. Ok? I'm The Amethyst." (A/N I'm rly sorry about the name tbh I couldn't find a better one, and I'm trying not to use [Y/N] so yeah you're gonna have to put up with it)

"Star-Lord," Peter's dude replied.

"I'm Spider-Man, but if you want you can call me Peter," Peter said after turning off Star-Lord to face him. I swear I saw the man's face soften slightly at Peter's introduction, but I wasn't sure.

"I am Mantis," Bug-Lady announced.

"I am Drax the Destroyer!" Alien Cena boomed. He seemed really excited about his name.

"Doctor Strange," said wizard replied, finally dropping his fist-shields.

"Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man," Tony finished. He obviously wasn't used to introductions; it was awkwardly said.

"They're right," Strange said, pointing at me. "Let's form a plan, and discuss abilities."

And with that, he turned and left the ship, leaving the rest of us to follow suit.

A/N *name of the purple power ranger is Jungle Fury

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