Chapter 7

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I want to do two endings for this fic, so from now on, I AM STRAYING SLIGHTLY FROM THE PROPER MOVIE, AND THERE WILL BE A DIFFERENT ENDING. When I'm done with this ending, I'm going to publish another book that has the same story line as Infinity War, and I'll use the same chapters I've already written, so other readers can read it as one book if they want.

Ok thanks enjoy

We didn't get long enough to process what Strange had said. This was because I suddenly doubled over.

I clutched by stomach as a feeling grew inside. It wasn't pain, but it definitely wasn't a feeling I was enjoying. I was emitting an aura of violet light, dark dust playing around the clouds of power.

And almost as instantly as it appeared, the pain was gone along with the cloud around me. I felt invigorated; with much more energy. I revelled in it for a few seconds before realising what this meant.

"Thanos is coming."


"Yeah, you're much more of a Thanos," Strange said, flicking a small stone up and down in his left hand. I sat beside him, staring down the alien before me. He was at least 6 and a half feet tall, and he was bald and purple. On his left hand rested the golden Infinity Gauntlet the Guardians had told us about, and in it rested four stones: the blue, the orange, the red, and of course, the purple. Space, Soul, Reality, Power.

"I can see you've been busy with your mission," I said in reference to his gauntlet. "Pretty jewellery."

He brushed aside my sarcastic comment.

"I assume Ebony is dead," he returned in a deep voice. Strange nodded while I continued to take in the being before me.

He sighed, "he will be mourned. But still, he completed his mission."

"You may regret that," Strange countered. "He brought you face to face with a master of the mystic arts."

"Is this your home planet?" I asked after a moment's silence.

"Yes, Titan." Thanos brushes his hand around him, and the scene turned bright. It showed a planet thriving, a civilisation I can only assume was turned to dust.

"Titan was a wonderful planet, but like everywhere else it had the problem of world hunger. I proposed a cull; a random selection of deaths to decrease food demand. They called me blood-thirsty, psychotic. And now," he wiped his hand again to return the natural scenery, "it's this. Just as I predicted, the world turned to starvation."

"Congratulations, you're a prophet." Both of us were attacking Thanos with waves of sarcasm.

"I'm a survivor."

"Who wants to murder trillions," I said.

"The hardest choices require the strongest wills," Thanos said angrily. He was annoyed at being sassed by a teenager, I could tell.

"I think you will find our wills equal to yours," Strange replied. Both of us stepped up; Strange with his fist-shields, and I with a swirling cloud of purple. I felt a burning in my stomach and the cloud around me cackled with electricity as I was lifted off the ground. Being less than 10 feet away from your source of power had its perks.

"That experiment never failed, human-" he didn't get to finish his statement as a building fell from the sky, pushed by the one and only Iron Man. It crushed Thanos instantly.

"That was easy. Is that it?" I asked.

I got my answer as the building shattered into tiny pieces, suddenly launched back at Tony. He was hit by many, but it didn't creat a huge amount of damage.

Next, Peter leapt in, covering Thanos's eyes with a web. Drax followed and sliced at him with large knives, just as I swooped in to help with the damage. Drax was quickly slammed off to the side, and I retreated slightly for the next stage in the plan.

A portal created by Strange popped up beside Thanos. Our came Peter again, leaping at Thanos's head and tying him in knots.

"Magic! More magic! Magic with a kick!" he yelled every time he teleported.

"Magic with a- AH!" He had been slammed down by Thanos's hand.

"Peter!" I yelled, and ran in to attack.

"Vermin," the Titan growled, and threw my best friend off to the side. He turned to find me hovering in my cloud again, and I lashed out with purple lightening. I hit him again and again with lasers and bolts, but it did little damage other than pushing him backwards. Eventually he stopped humouring me, and swiped out with the gauntlet. I suddenly dropped, finding myself unable to lash out any longer. My powers had stopped!

"Child, you should not be on that side," Thanos coaxed. It wouldn't work on me, I knew my morals.

"You're a monster! What have you done to me?!" I screamed. Where was everyone else? Why weren't they attacking?

"I did nothing." Abruptly, he pointed the gauntlet at me in a fist, and my knees went weak. I couldn't walk, and it took concentration to even stand. My voice was gone, and I was unable to do anything more than look around at my allies and friends, who seemed to be pinned back by a barrier. No stones on the gauntlet was glowing, but my chest piece was. Was it me holding them back?

"I did nothing," Thanos repeated, "but bring you home."

With that, he brought his fist up and a stream of purple fire hit me hard in the the chest. I braced for impact, but it didn't hurt. When the stream stopped, I collapsed on the ground. I felt the power streaming through my veins, but why had the Titan given that to me?

I stood up, but at the same time I didn't. Everything felt disjointed, unreal. My movements were not mine, and in the reflection of the still out stretched gauntlet I saw my eyes, now glowing a deep violet.

"Protect me, my child. Use your abilities and help me."

I began to protest. Fight for Thanos? Yeah, right. But even as I thought that, I spun to face my friends and I saw the force field drop. But still, they didn't approach.

So, unwillingly, I approached them. My body, yet not my brain, eager to do Thanos's bidding.

A/N DUN DUN DUUUUUUN!!! Oh also I entered this story into the Wattys, coz why not.


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