Forever and Always

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Hermione’s tears were flowing again. Not by sadness, but instead, of happiness she had felt. On every word that Malfoy had said on the letter, she felt everything will be right. He was here, he had never forgotten about her. Hermione had forgiven him even before he asked for forgiveness.

He to make the first move is all that she needs.

Hermione opened her bedroom door as fast as lightning and ran to the sleeping Draco on the sofa.

“Draco!” she said still with tears. Draco woke up in all of a sudden getting up on the couch. Hermione hugged him tightly, at first; Malfoy looked confused on what was happening. And then he understood it, Hermione finally had read the letter he had made. He hugged her tightly, not wanting to let go.

“Hermione, I’m sorry.” he whispered in the darkness.

“Draco, I love you too.” She said.

Malfoy lifted her chin and then they faced each other. Slowly, he closed his eyes, so did Hermione. And then their lips met. Their world disappearing behind them, their own thread of happiness connected.

And then, Malfoy withdrew. Hermione smiled, eyes still closed.

“Please forgive me, Hermione.” Draco held her hand tightly.

“I already had, you know, all you had to do is to ask.”

“I’m sorry I’ve been such a coward.”

“No, Draco. It’s okay, everyone is afraid of something.”

“I’ll never leave you again.”

“So do I.”

They laughed at the drama they’re making. They were once again happy.

Hermione and Malfoy slept on the same room that night, but this time, on Malfoy’s bedroom.

Hermione woke up with sunlight in sunlight hitting her face. What a wonderful dream. She thought as she heard a bird chirp. She and Malfoy had been together again, what a nice dream she will never forget.

“Wake up, beautiful.” a voice whispered in her ear.

Hermione opened her eyes. Malfoy was beside her, sitting up and smiling gently as he pecked her on the lips.

“How was your sleep?” he said casually.

“Fine.” She smiled; everything was not a dream, what happened last night was real.

“We should get ready then, class starts in thirty minutes.”

Hermione scrambled up. “What?! Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I just woke up. Last night was pretty tiring.”

Hermione looked at the clock. “Merlin’s beard! I need to get going.”

Hermione stood up and ran across the room to the door and opened her bedroom door. She then went quickly to her wardrobe, pulled up some undies and her robes. She grabbed her towel and went to the bathroom and took a shower as fast as she could.

Malfoy opened her door as she exited the bathroom.

“You ready?”

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