Chapter 20: Some Dreams Come True

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I hope all of my readers and new readers enjoy this chapter just as much as you have the rest of my novel. I am sorry about all the mistakes and spelling errors, but it cannot be helped when you are writing like I do or when you are me. (I am terrible at spelling).

Chapter 20: Some Dreams Come True 


I wake up and my mind is in a haze. I try to sit up, but I can't seem to be able to. "Charles......" I trail off, not even certain what I had been about to say to him anyway.

"Yes, Emalia what is it? Is something wrong? Are you feeling pain?" He is so considerate of me especially right now considering my comdition.

I shake my head, "No, Charles, I am not in pain and I am just having trouble sitting up. I really feel like I need to, but I can't do it on my own. It has been a few days siccne I started recovering, but it seems to be taking a lifetime for me to get better. I still can't even sit up on my own. It is very frustrating and more than a little annoying. I have to have you wait on me every second of the day, even at night."

"Don't think like that, Emalia. I am not here just because i have to be, trust me if I wanted to leave, I would have left, without another thought or word, but I want to be here just as much as I have to be here, maybe even a little more. You are not forcing me to be here, Emalia, this is my choice. I am chosing to be here, for you."

"Okay," is all I say as I slump down in my bed.

"Are you hungry? Would you like some breakfast? Soup maybe?"

"That sounds nice, thank you Charles. I would love some soup right now. I am starting to get hungry."

"Well, you would be hungry after sleeping for ten hours and only having a bowl of soup to eat before sleeping. It's a wonder how you didn't starve to death while you slept. I will be right back with some more home made soup."

"Thank you, Charles. Come here I want to give you a kiss." He leans down and I place a soft, tired kiss on his cheek. 

"I am sure that you will start to feel better soon, Emalia. I will make sure that you get more fresh air and you will need to have a bath today. I think you have been having a lot of bad dreams lately because you wake up in the middle of the night covered in sweat. I will also need to change your sheets again. these ones are dirty after two nights and a day of you sleeping in them."

"Okay, I will be here when you get back. Oh, would you mind getting me my books from down in your office? I left them there that night, the night before I got sick and they are still there, they are on the sofa."

"I will get you whatever you want because you are sick."

"Thank you, Charles. You do so much for me, you almost do too much for me."

"Now that, is a total lie and even you know it. I haven't hardly done enough for you. I will be back."I nod my head as I watch him leave the room. I have watched him walk through my bedroom door so many times in the last couple of days and I miss being able to walk through it myself. I wish I could go outside. See the sun, feel it's rays on my skin. Feel the cool breeze and smell the fresh air. 

I close my eyes, while I wait for Charles to come back with my soup. I must have dozed off because I can hear Charles's soothig voce beckoning me out of sleep, out of dark, peaceful sleep. 

"I am sorry for waking you, you did look so peaceful and you look dead tired, but you have to eat something. It is the only way that you will get better. Here, Emalia, I am going to help you sit up so that I can feed you soup." I nod my head and I can feel his warm arms envelope me, just like they do every time i need his help lately. 

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