ALEC IMAGINE *you have a nightmare*

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So.... Hi! This is my first imagine so please go easy on me... Also English isn't my first language so sorry in advance... I don't own Alec (sadly) or any other person in this book.

You were running. You had absolutely no idea where you were or where you were going. Your lungs were burning and your legs were begging you to stop, but you couldn't. All around you was complete darkness. The only thing you were able to see were the grey dark shadows that were shaped like trees.

You were in the woods. Having no idea why you were in a forest in the middle of the night, you just kept running and running – you didn't know why or where you were running to, you just knew you had to.

Not once did you stop to see what was chasing you. If you stopped it was going to catch you.

Your lungs felt like they were about to collapse, but the adrenaline kept you going. There was dead silence and the only thing you could hear were your heavy footsteps on the leaf-covered ground of the forest. But even that was hard to hear over your wheezing sobs and the ringing in your ears. You just wanted to stop but you couldn't.

Fear and helplessness washed over you like a wave as you realized you had nowhere to go. You had absolutely no idea where you were (besides the fact that you were in a forest with miles and miles of trees all around you). Something was chasing you, but you didn't know what or why.

How long have you been running? You didn't know. It felt like hours. How did you get here? You didn't know that either. Was it ever going to end? Was there somewhere safe you could go or would you have to keep running forever? Where was Alec? Add those questions to the list of things you don't have an answer to. Your only chance of survival was if you kept running.

Tears were starting to escape your eyes but were quickly dried by the wind rushing past your face. Your throat burned and your eyes were dry. You were starting to get dizzy and your vision started to blur. You had to keep running... Everything hurt : your legs, your chest, your lungs... You had to keep running...

Then suddenly everything went quiet. No longer could you hear you footsteps, your sobs or the loud ringing in your ears. Taken by surprise, you stopped dead in your tracks. You couldn't even hear your heavy breathing as you tried to catch your breath. You were finally able to look behind you to see what you were running from.

There was nothing.

Only miles of trees without an end.

Then suddenly you felt a warm breath on your neck, making your blood run cold. A wave of fear crashed over you and paralyzed you in place.

Very slowly you turned around only to come face to face with a woman.

Her dead grey skin was peeling of her face, which was mostly covered by her long messy dark hair. Her glossy red eyes looked like they belonged to a person who has died several years ago. She was smiling creepily – it was the scariest smile you have ever seen, sending shivers down your spine.

She was standing so close your noses were almost touching and you could feel her rotten breath on your face.

You just stared into each other's eyes for ten long seconds. That smile was still plastered on her face as she watched your terrified expression.

Then she suddenly screamed.

The high-pitched inhuman voice tore thru the dead silence.

You shot upright in bed. Your body was covered in cold sweat and tear tracks covered your cheeks. Your h/c hair was messy and your breathing uneven.  You were shaking - partly because of fear and partly because of the sobs that rocked your body.

It took you a moment to realize you were safe in your bed you shared with Alec, your boyfriend.

Speaking of him... He was awoken by your sudden movement.

''Baby? What's going on? Are you alright, beautiful?'' he asked in a low whisper, still half asleep.

You didn't answer him. You were still feeling a little choked up. When he saw your scared face he pulled you int his muscular chest and tucked your head under his chin.

''Hey... You're okay, you're safe... I'm here...'' he said, kissing the top of your head. '' Y/n... Tell me what happened, sweetheart. Did you have a nightmare?''

You only nodded, letting your shaking body relax into his warm embrace.

''You're safe now. You're with me and I would never let anything happen to you, baby girl. Sssshhhhh....'' he said as he took your face into his hands and started kissing your forehead, cheeks, eyelids, nose and lips. ''I'' -kiss- ''love'' -kiss- ''you'' -kiss- ''so'' -kiss- ''much''.

That made you giggle. ''I love you, too. I'm sorry I woke you'' you said guiltily.

''Hey... None of that, beautiful. You're way more important, okay?'' he said, running his thumbs across your cheeks.

''Thank you, but you should really go back to sleep... I think I'm going to go train because I'm not going to be able to fall back asleep.''

''What about we cuddle and watch one of those chick-flicks you love so much?''

''You'd do that for me?''

''Of course... Anything for you, beautiful''

You both fell asleep cuddled together before the movie even ended. The next morning you told Alec all about your dream and he promised he'd protect you forever.

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