Dating Alec would include...

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· You being the only one to make him genuinely laugh... A laugh that makes his eyes sparkle as he looks at you with adoration

· When you have a rough day, you would always go to the roof of the Institute and watch the stars

· Alec would look for you everywhere before remembering to check the roof

· when he finds you, you're usually shivering so he would give you his jacket, while scolding you that you should've known better

· Him being really worried and protective of you, but realizing and respecting that you're more than capable of taking care of yourself

· Him always carrying your stuff like a high school boy with a crush

· And him always giving you his jacket

· Jace constantly calling him whipped

· And Alec doesn't even deny it, he just blushes and murmurs something under his breath

· Alec loving that he's taller than you, cuz' it makes him believe he can protect you from anything when he's hugging you to his chest (even though he's aware that's not true)

· You having to step on your tippy toes to give him a kiss, but still not reaching

· so he has you begging him to kiss you, before giving in and scooping you in a passionate kiss that makes your head spin

· And when you and Alec are in an argument and you're shouting at him very angrily, he can't take you seriously because you look so small and cute when you're mad and that makes you even angrier

· you make him sleep on the couch

· he always ends up apologizing in the middle of the night because he just can't sleep without you

· You being best friends with Izzy!

· Even Alec's parents love you

· Jace being protective of you

· "You're my parabatai's girlfriend, I got to make sure you're safe"

· If Alec ever gets jealous or angry, you would usually find him taking out his frustration on the punching bag

· when you find him he's all sweaty and hot and it always leads to really hot make up sex (usually in the training room)

· He calls you 'sweetheart', 'baby girl' and 'princess'

· You call him 'love', 'babe' and 'handsome'

· (and when you want to annoy him you call him 'sugar', 'boo bear' or 'cutie patootie')

· Izzy always teasing you that she's already planning your guys' wedding

· and that makes you blush and stutter, while Alec smirks

· "One day Izzy I'll make her mine... I promise"

· he winks at you and that makes you blush even more

· Him trying to teach you archery and you being quite good at it

· Him never being able to say no to you

· You watching him while he works out and him giving you a show

· Showering together 😉

· Baths 😉

· Nose kisses!

- Warm cuddles in bed

· You making lame cheesy puns and Alec being the only one who laughs (and all the others just roll their eyes at him for being so whipped)

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