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"I'm allowed to see my friends."

"I haven't seen you for six weeks!"

"Neither have they! One of them leaves tomorrow and this is my only chance to have pints with him!"

"Typical. You always put me second." You scoffed.

"Second!? Have you forgotten all I've done for ya!"

"Really?! Like all those times you've ditched plans with me to go golfing or out for drinks?"

"Or those times I got concert tickets to see ya favorite singer?! And the time I asked Ellie to help ya get a designer dress for the red carpet! Oh, and, when life gets tough, who is the one that comforts ya!?!" At this point, you two were simply fighting for the sake of it.

"You're impossible! Always acting like you could do no wrong!"

"I'm done havin' this conversation. I'll be back later tonight" The door slammed and you were left alone with your thoughts.

The emotions from the infuriating argument were building within and you needed to find a release.

You noticed a framed selfie from a date with Niall; it was one of his favorite photos of the both of you. It was a cute photo, but the more you stared, the angrier you became. You couldn't stand to see a photo of him looking so happy - especially after the way he treated you tonight. With a quick motion, you grabbed the photo and threw it against the door.

"Shit." You mumbled to yourself as you looked at the glass shattered on the floor. You intended to sweep up the mess, but decided against it. Niall deserved to see how angry he made you - he deserved to see your photo smashed on the ground.

Wanting to take your mind off things, you decided relax on the couch while watching episodes of your favorite t.v show

"What..the fuck?! What is all this?!" You were startled awake by Niall's booming voice in the foyer.

The picture! You forgot about the picture and, now that you've calmed down, you regretted your actions.

"Oh, I...." You failed to think of an excuse.

"This is a picture of us. Did you do this?" Your silence told him everything. "You did, didn't you? How immature can you be?!"

"I'm sorry. I'll clean it."

"Unbelievable!" He said matter-of-factly.

"I said I was sorry."

As Niall got settled into bed, you hesitated in the doorway.

"Whatcha doin' just standing there? Come to bed!"

"I'd want me to sleep on the couch or something." 

"No. Get in here." He lifted the sheets and patted the empty space on the mattress.

"I thought you'd be mad and wouldn't want me near you."

"Every relationship has its fights. You know I love you."

"I'm sorry about everything." You nuzzled into him.

"Me too. Now, go to sleep. I'm too drunk and tired to be having such serious talk right now."

Niall imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now