The talk about my crush

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Okay, for the past couple of months in academy, I actually had feelings for Kakashi and I think he felt the same way. Why am I thinking this now? I am busy with my work in the academy but I just can't stop thinking about Kakashi. Ever since that day,I couldn't stop thinking about how he helped me out that day when all those kids was around me and asking for autograph and asking me out. It just make me feel more angry than ever even though I gonna battle Charlie sometime this month,and if I don't focus when I battle her then I will not become princess which is gonna be bad for my mom and my dad. I gotta talk to my mom about this crap now before it distract me at the battle." Mom!!!!" I screamed for my mom so she could her me through her meditation period." Raven, is there a problem?" My mom asked concerned and worried." Um...can I talk to you about something?" I ask as I looked down on my bed." You can ask me anything. What is it,sweetie?"she asked more concerned than me telling my mom that I have a crush on Kakashi." Mom, I have a crush on someone." I said as my face started to heat up and I noticed that I was blushing." Ooooooo, and who is this crush?" My mom asked slyly as she came closer to me." Ummmm...his name is....ummmm...K-Kakashi.?" I said as I buried my face into my hands because I was embarrassed at what I told my mom about my crush." Okay, did you tell him how you feel about him already?" My mom asked as my face felt like it was going to explode."Uhhhh.....noooooo,I didn't tell him because I was scared he was gonna reject me or he will not feel the same as I feel about him mom!" I was sad and frustrated at what was going on in my head it was annoying the hell out of me. Why can't I just tell him,why? Maybe because he does not feel the same way I feel." Well,why don't you just ask him how he feels for you,and if he has a crush on you then its okay but if he doesn't have a crush on you, then you have the wrong guy for you to have a crush on." My mom said as she hugs me and gives me more advice. We have been talking about this crush thing for hours."Thanks mom, your the best mom in the universe." I said as I hug my mom again and then she left. I went to the training room and started training for hours until I heard a knock at the window. I went to the window, I saw Kakashi standing there." Hey, what you doing here Kakashi." I asked as I let him in the training room and went on with my training." Oh,the same thing I did last time. I came to check if you are not training to hard and pushing yourself." He said as I started to throw kunai knives at a target. Having him around made me feel safe from danger,but the only danger that I must fear is my life time enemy Melanie Hendricks. She became my enemy when she found out that I was becoming princess. Then she became jealous about me becoming famous around the world and we became mortal enemies. She has been trying to kill me but she couldn't because i was to powerful than her, but I don't care about her because when I am with Kakashi I am safe and secure when he is around me. All these thoughts keep on popping in my head." Um, I am okay and I am not pushing myself that hard." We were both training and we both were out of breath. Then Kakashi left and I went to go shower and I went to sleep immediately. Why am I so tired? I've never been so tired before but why now. Anyway I started to fall asleep and I started to dream of me being queen of the world. Why did I always have that dream? Then I slept like a little cat which was very comfortable and cozy.

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