Joining the Akatsuki Pt1

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Time skip - 2 years later
Itachi POV
"Hey Itachi." I heard Kisame say. "Hey Kisame. Whats up?" I asked. Kisame sat down next to me under a tree. "Pein said we need to get another member for the Akatsuki." He said. I just sighed, "So who is it this time? Getting Deidara was a hassle and it was tiring." I asked. "Her name is Raven Queen...she became an S-ranked criminal in just 2 years. She sounds impressive." Kisame said. 'So she's going to join the Akatsuki?'. I thought. "So where is she?" I asked. "She is somewhere between the Land of Waves and the Land of Fire." Why would she be there? "Okay....lets go get her." I said and we left. 'Raven....stay where you are. I'm coming to get you'. "Itachi..." I heard Kisame again. I turned around to look at him then he continued, "Just be careful okay. I heard this girl is more powerful than Pein and she stole 3 forbidden jutsu's from 3 villages. So let me handle this one okay?" I nod my head and we left.

In a forest somewhere between the Land of Waves and the Land of Fire.

Raven POV
Life is starting to feel like a helpless hole of darkness. I was sitting on a thick tree branch, thinking about what I should do next. I became an S-ranked criminal/missing ninja in 2 years. Why??? Because I have been stealing forbidden jutsu's and killing a lot of people, that's why. Tashirama came out of my body minutes of me sleeping. "Raven! Wake up!" Tashirama yelled. "What do you want Tashirama? I am thinking about killing more people." I said with a cold voice. " do know that killing more people will put you on the bounty list right?" Tashirama said. I just rolled my eyes. Just 4 months ago I went to Scorpia headquarters to tell Miss Rothman about me joining another organization.
( A/n - OMG!!! My second flashback enjoy guys ).
Flashback - 4 months ago

I went into Miss Rothmans office and closed the door behind me. "Oh, Raven? How can I help you?" Miss Rothman asked. I sighed and sat down in the chair in front of her desk. "Miss Rothman....I have something to ask...if you don't mind me asking?" I asked a little uncertain if she will let me say what I want to say. "Of course. You can ask me anything." She said with a small smile on her face. "Can....I....join....any other....organization?" I asked with sweat running down my face. She stayed quiet for a while. "Are you leaving Scorpia?" Uh oh! "No! I'm not gonna leave Scorpia. Its just....there's another organization that wants me to join them. That's why I asked you if I can join this organization? Only if you want me to?" I explained. Miss Rothman was in deep thought then said, " can join this 'organization'. have to tell the leader of this organization that you work for me. Okay?" She said. I nod my head and left her office.

End of flashback

"She was so understanding. What is she up to?" I said aloud. "And??? Is it a problem that she is allowing you to join any other organization." Tashirama said. I just rolled my eyes and groaned in annoyance. "What to do? What to do?" I said. I sighed and closed my eyes. 'I sense someone coming there is two of them. Who are they? There chakra seems familiar'.
"Hey Raven. Look who's here to capture you." Tashirama said with venom in his voice. I opened my eyes and saw....Kisame and....Itachi? "Raven, we invite you to join the Akatsuki." Kisame said. I just sighed. "Why the hell did he have to send them?? I mean....I met them why should I meet them again?" I whispered to myself. I turned around to look at them. "Look....I don't know why you came to get me but I ain't joining the Akatsuki." I said in a sassy tone. "Okay. Then we will just have to take you by force." Kisame said. I looked at Tashirama and he looked at me. "Raven? What are you thinking?" Tashirama asked in a worried tone. I just looked away and looked at Kisame. "Okay. You just picked the wrong person to fight with." I said and activated my Sharingan then jumped out of the tree I was in. I went into a fighting stance while Kisame readied his sword. Itachi stood back just waiting for the fight to start. Kisame came running towards me and swung his sword but I dodged his attack. I appeared behind him and paralyzed him with my fists ( just like Ty Lee in avatar.) Kisame fell to the ground, unable to move. "What did you do to me!?" Kisame yelled. I just smirked and replied,"I paralyzed you. I learned it while I was stealing the forbidden jutsu'." I chuckled darkly. I sensed another chakra source in the area that we were in. Just then I sensed Itachi behind me. I turned around and quickly dodged his attack. He activated his Sharingan and came towards me with full force. I was about to dodge another one of his attacks but felt a stinging pain in my neck.

It got worse and I couldn't handle it. I clutched the nape of my neck, because my curse mark is there, and fell on one knee. 'Damn!!! Who the hell is doing this to me!?' I mentally yelled. "AHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed in pain. I fell on my back and started squirming in pain. 'Orochimaru must be here! He is the only one who can manipulate the curse mark!' "AHHHHHH!!!" This fucking hurts!!!! I blacked out after a few seconds

Time skip - 2 hours later under a tree.
'What the hell happened??? I don't remember anything....except the fact that Kisame and Itachi came to get me. Oh that's right, Orochimaru was here'. I slowly opened my eyes. Once my vision was cleared I found myself under a tree with Kisame staring at me and my head on Itachi's lap. I shot up, making me sit upright. "What the hell happened? And....why aren't you paralyzed?" I said pointing to Kisame who was standing over me. "Well the paralysis wore off and you were screaming in pain then you blacked out." Kisame explained. 'Damn! So I lost to these morons!?' I mentally yelled. I looked at Itachi and frowned. "Whats with the frown Raven? You going to get wrinkles if you frown." Itachi said with his monotone voice. "That's just a stupid urban legend. Nobody gets wrinkles by frowning and sulking. They get them because of old age." I said as I got up from the ground. I jumped up the tree I was in an got my bag then jumped back down. "So lets go. Its getting late. And if the full moon is out, I am going to howl." I said and started walking in front of them.

Time skip - night time at an inn
We were at an inn because, me being the lazy ass I was, didn't want to walk to the Akatsuki base. So we decided to go to an inn. I got the keys for the rooms and gave the two keys to Kisame and Itachi. "Okay, so we all on the same floor and you have your room keys. Please don't loose them....I don't want to pay for new keys. You got that?" I said and they both nod their heads. "Good! Now if you excuse me....I will be in my penthouse....eating and sleeping." I said and ran up the stairs to the 10th floor. Kisame and Itachi looked at each confusedly and looked away then went to their rooms.

Hours later brought to you by Raven eating humans

I came back to my penthouse through the living room window/sliding door because....I was....eating....human flesh. Yeah I know it is disgusting but humans actually taste good....well not all. There was still blood running down my chin and as I turned around and saw Itachi looking at my books. "Itachi? What are you doing here? the hell did you get into my penthouse???" I asked while wiping the blood off my chin. Itachi looked at me and walked towards me. "The same way you came in just now." He said while wrapping his arms around my waist. I felt my body tense up and my body relaxed. I pushed Itachi away to create space between us. "What do you want Itachi?" I asked in a calm tone. I felt Itachi's fingertips on my chin and gently lifted my head to look at him. Then....I felt his lips on my lips. I wanted to push away...but I couldn't. Itachi pulled away slightly and leaned into my ear,"You are not kissing me back Raven. Don't you love me anymore?" He whispered huskily in my ear which sent shivers down my spine. " know I love you but....after what has happened the past few years....I don't know what I am feeling now." I said and turned around and looked at the moon. I heard Itachi sigh. I turned around with my face down, "I'm....gonna bed. Good night." I said awkwardly and went to my room but felt Itachi's grip on my wrist. " you....mind me sleeping here?? I have been having these weird nightmares lately and want to know what they mean." Itachi explained. I blushed at his statement but nodded my head. He let my wrists go so i can go to my room.

I got into my pajamas ( tank top and shorts ) then got under the blankets. 'Its been awhile since we had a sleepover. But why did he have to ask me to sleep here when he knew I would say yes? He is very confusing!' I thought and closed my eyes until I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. I looked over my shoulder to see Itachi behind me. I sighed and turned my head then fell asleep.
Good night beautiful world.

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