Itachi! What are you doing here?

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Time skip - 3 months later
Ugh!! These past three months have been hella hectic. We fought Zabuza, we found a cat and got in a fight with this huge cat, and the death of the third hokage now there is a new hokage named Tsunade. Yeah, she is the fifth hokage now and apparently Naruto's grandmother, and the others found out that I am actually a Jonin and not a Genin...oops. Today is the 3rd test in the chunin exams...and thank Kami, the team did not get disqualified during the exams. "So Raven, why are you on our team when you can have your own team?" Naruto asked then Sakura hit him on the head. "Don't ask questions like that Naruto!" Sakura scolded. I just and got up and stretched my body. "Don't worry Naruto. While Kakashi is not here, you can go home. Relax. You have the final part of the exam in 2 days." I said. Naruto and Sakura ran up to me and hugged me. "Thank you Raven-chan!" They both excitedly said and they went home. I just sighed and started walking around the village while reading Tantalize. "Raven! Wait up!" I turned around to see Asuma and Kurenai coming up to me. "Hey guys. What up?" I asked while closing my book. "Oh nothing much. Hey, do want to go with us?" Kurenai asked. I was kinda confused on where they are going but....whatever. "Where are you going?" I asked out curiosity." We were going to Ichiraku Ramen." Asuma said. I nod my head and we started walking to Ichiraku ramen.

Once we got there, we saw Kakashi standing outside Ichiraku. "Raven? I thought you were training Naruto and Sakura?" Kakashi asked with confusion. "I was but decided to let them relax for today." I said. The conversation dragged until something caught my eye. 'Who are those people? Their....acting off'. I thought but brushed it off. "So Kakashi, how is Sasuke? Is he getting his Chidori right?" I asked out of concern because Sasuke can really push himself to the limit. "Oh...he is getting the chidori right and he is okay." I looked at the two males sitting in Ichiraku and one of them gripped the cup he was drinking out of. I think Kakashi noticed and looked at me, and I looked at him. Kakashi came closer to me and whispered in my ear, "Go look for Naruto and protect him." I nod my head. "Ah! Shoot! I have to get back to the castle." I lied just to get to Naruto's apartment. "Awww! Whats going on?" Kurenai asked. Damn! I lied myself into a corner now! "Oh! There is news on my sisters from neighboring kingdoms. So I have to leave. Thanks! Bye!" I ran to Naruto's apartment. 'Jiraya! Where the hell are you!? Don't tell me you went to go spy on girls now!? UGH!!' I thought. Something is completely off. I weaved some signs for a shadow clone jutsu. "What up Raven? Is there a problem?" My clone asked. I nod my head. "I want you to go see if Kakashi is okay. Something feels odd. Go now." I said and my clone disappeared. I continued running to Naruto's apartment.

Time skip - 1 hour later
UGH!! WHY DOES NARUTO HAVE TO LIVE SO FAR!? I finally got to the apartment complex and ran inside. I ran up the stairs by skipping one stair but ended up falling on my gut, got up and continued running up. I finally made it to Naruto's apartment. "NARUTO!!!" I yelled as I came to Naruto's room I froze in place...because....the person I saw...the person that left me...was standing next to Naruto. I pulled out my demon sword as quickly as possible and stopped the attacker sword from injuring Naruto.
"Huh? Who the heck are you?" This shark like guy asked. "Raven, what are you doing here?" Itachi asked with a serious tone of voice but...his facial expression is...different. "What are you doing here Itachi!?" I said while I pushed the shark away from me. "Since we are introducing ourselves, I'll tell you who I -" I cut the shark man sentence, "No need to introduce yourself. I know who you are...Kisame Hoshigaki of the hidden mist...or should I say monster of the Hidden Mist." I said bluntly. "I feel honoured that the future queen knows me." Kisame teased. I frowned then turned to Naruto and kneeled on one knee. "Naruto...stay behind me no matter what. And don't use your tailed beast chakra, okay?" I said. Naruto nodded his head,"But Raven-chan how do you know these guys?" Naruto said and looked at the two guys. "I know the one, the other one I have no idea who the shark is but I did read about him once or twice." I explained. Naruto nodded his head. I turned around to face Itachi and Kisame. "What do you want with Naruto? Why do you want to take him away from Konoha?" I asked. Kisame just smirked at me. "We are part of the Akatsuki. And we need that boys tail beast." Kisame explained.

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