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(Cheyenne's POV)

June 12, 2013
         I went to grab the blade...but then my stupid ass phone rang and had to interrupt me. Who would call at... 3 am??? Gabi. Of course. She's my best friend! I love her. RING! RING! RING! Oh yeah... my phone.
          "Hello?" I sounded like I had been crying. Oops.
          "Hey! Oh, um are you okay?" Gabi said. Asking sounding concerned.
          "Yeah...Why?" I asked.
          "You sound like you've been crying." she said concerned.
          "Oh. Well I haven't been..."
          "Okay." she said.
          "Why'd you call?!" I said, sounding a bit more pushy than planned. Whoops!
          "Oh yeah. So you like that band 5 Seconds of Summer right? Wait...why would I ask...of 
           course you do," she laughed. "But I just got given 2 tickets to see them and One  Direction in 4 days!!!!!!!" She said excitedly.
          "You're joking right?" I said sounding vulnerable.
          "NO!!! I actually got tickets!" Gabi said a little to loud into the phone , almost deafening me. OUCH!
          "O MY GOD GABI!! NO YOU DIDN'T! Can you come over? My parents are still in California for 3 more weeks." I asked hoping she would say yes!
          "I'm sorry but no I can't. I'm actually supposed to be asleep right now, and you know my parents 'overprotective' and they check on me every hour..." she said obviously upset.
          "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow, I guess." I said.
          "Kay. I love you! Don't cut please! You don't want Ashton to see it do you?" With that she hung up.



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