The Land Beyond The Lake

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King P.O.V

King sat sadly at the side of the lake tears falling from his eyes. " Damn it," he sobbed, " she forgot about me, I love her, but she can't even remember my name and now she's gone!". King slashed across his reflection in the water. The cool liquid rushing past his fingers. Diane. King couldn't stop replaying her words in his head. "Who are you?" King repeated sadly. "Who am I ?" King's tears flooded down his face and streamed into the water. King looked down staring at his reflection. It stared back. He thought about just putting his head under water and not taking it back out. He moved his face closer to the water. He was going to end his pain. His nose touched the water and he stopped then pushed himself away. " What the hell was I thinking," he murmured, " was I actually just about to drown myself." He couldn't stop he had to bring Diane back he had to live long enough to see her smile again, to hear her laugh. He had to make her remember. He smiled at the memories rushing through his head from the moment they met to the last time she had her memories. Sitting together on the top of one of the castle wall watching the fireworks. He wished he could stay there, holding her hand. He came back to reality looking out over the lake. King slowly rose. As he got to his feet he stumbled backwards and into the water. He sunk. Something tugging him down. His lungs filling with water his last thoughts were of Diane, the love he lost.

Diane P.O.V.

Diane ran through the hills franticly then stopped. Before her was a lake at the other end she saw ripples but thought nothing of it. The giantess sat down panting. She looked over at a patch of daisies contently for some reason whenever she looked at the small flowers a comfortingly nostalgic voice filled her head. "Diane, I'll come back to you one day I promise. You have my word." The voice promised. Diane smiled and picked one of the daisies. The moment she touched it the voice spoke again "Diane, I will always love you and always stay by your side!" The voice made Diane smile. She sat and thought hard about who the voice was but came up with nothing. She got to her feet and walked over to the lakeside. The giantess cupped some water into her hand and drank. It was cold and refreshing. She looked down at herself. Her skirt was ripped and covered in dirt and mud her legs were in the same state. Her arms were scraped up and bleeding. She look at the water.
"Hmmm" Diane said. Then jumped in. It was soothing for a moment. The giantess felt a tug at her foot and then the ground fell away and she was dragged under. She screamed then was completely submerged in the lake. She felt herself shrinking down to human size. She gasped forgetting she was under water. Then the world went blank. All that seamed real was the voice in her head.
"Diane I'm back it's me, King."

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