Chapter 36 Moving On

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I hear my door open as I was pouring myself a glass of bourbon. "Look who's back from the dead." I say chuckling turning to look at Elijah. "Well actually...your still technically dead." I deadpan. He rolls his eyes. "Did they believe that I was dead?" He asks setting his coat over the chair. I nod my head offering him a glass. I walk into my room grabbing my phone off charge. "You have to go back." He says. I furrow my eyebrows walking into the living room seeing him sitting on the couch with a book. "Umm...what?" I ask annoyed. "We need to know exactly what they know." He says. I roll my eyes. "If you haven't noticed they don't trust me very much at the moment." I say giving him an 'are you serious' look raising my eyebrow. "Well you will just have to earn their trust again." He says. I stare at him. "Are you serious right now!" I say getting angry. "Yes I very much am." He says calmly looking back down to his book. "I want nothing to do with them!" I yell. He shrugs. "Do you want Klaus to come here or not?" He says glaring at me for raising my voice. "Is that a threat?" I ask my eyes glowing. "If you don't remember I have the power to kill you remember." I say dangerously. He rolls his eyes. "You wouldn't kill me." He says smirking. I look at him smugly. "And why is that?" He sets his book down sighing. "Because we're friends." He states. I sigh. "Why do you always have to be right!" I say exasperated flopping face first onto the couch. I hear him chuckle. "Fine I'll go." I mutter lifting my head up. "Only!" I say holding my hand up pointing at him. "If you promise to make me coffee every morning." I say smiling. He rolls his eyes. "I don't know why you are so addicted to caffeine but...yes I will." He says. I hug him and grab my coat. "Cya later, Lijah!" I yell walking out the door.

I walk into the Salvatore boarding house seeing Stefan and Damon. "Listen...what rose told Elena about the curse..." Stefan says drifting off. "I know we'll keep her safe." Damon says taking a drink. I know this is the time to make my entrance. "Hello boys." I say walking in taking Damon's drink winking at him. He glares at me. They ignore me. "You know the only way we're going to be able to do that if we're not fighting each other." Stefan says making Damon turn looking at him. "We let Katherine come in between us and we let that happen with Elena and..." he trails off looking at me. I avoid eye contact and just stare into my bourbon. "We know that we are not going to be able to protect her." Stefan says. "Yes Stefan heard it all before." Damon says annoyed walking away. Stefan and I share a glance. "Hey!" He calls out for Damon. He turns around. "What?" He asks. "I'm sorry." Stefan says. I look between them. "About what?" Damon asks agitated. "For being the guy that made you turn 145 years ago." Stefan says. "Enough Stefan it's late no need to re hatch that." Damon says trying to avoid the subject. Stefan gets up from his place on the couch. "You know I've never said it out loud...I guess I just need to say it and you need to hear it." Stefan says as Damon stops. "I'm sorry." He says again. "What I did was selfish. I didn't want to be alone." Stefan admits. Damon looks at him. "I guess I just needed my brother." Stefan says nodding walking away. I stand there shocked. Damon and I look at each other as I sigh. "Where have you been?" He mutters. I look at him upset. "Does it matter?" I deadpan looking down. "You left for five freakin' months I think that I deserve to know where you were!" He yells. "Fine!" I yell sitting down. "Both times I left I was in New York." I reveal. "The second time I was living with Elijah." I say wincing at what I knew was going to be him yelling. "You what!" He yells. "He was the only one that could help." I say calmly. He sits next to be running his hand through his hair. "I could've." He says upset. I look at him. "No you couldn't have!" I say annoyed. "You were still hung up on Katherine." I say. He looks at me annoyed. "How about Stefan?" He asks bitterly. I give him a guilty look. "What do you mean?" I ask knowing exactly what he was going to say. "You slept with him the day we broke up and then dated him in secret!" He yells. I wince. "Yes but he cheated on me with my own sister." I state. "I never wanted to hurt you Damon." I say looking down. "I thought leaving would be the best option for everyone." I say he glares at me. "No it was the easier option." He mutters. "There is no easy way! No matter what I do somebody gets hurt!" I yell standing up. "Would you stop thinking about what everyone else wants! Stop thinking about what I want or what your sister or friends want! What do you want?" He asks putting his hands on my shoulders. I look into his eyes as tears stream down my face. "I want to have a fresh start." I mutter shrugging. "Then lets do that." He says cupping my face. "I wish we could but...I can't..." I say thinking about the curse and how it will effect him. "Yes we can." He pleads. "Damon you have to let me go." I say. He shakes his head. "I'm not letting the best thing that has happened in my life go." He says making my heart break at what I was about to do. I remove his hands from my face. "Please I love you Amy." He says as tears pool in his eyes. My eyes pool with tears. This is the side of Damon that only I see and I'm greatful for that. " are one of the best things that have happened to me too..." I mutter trying to hold back tears but they just kept streaming down my face. "Of all the choices that I've made this will prove to be the worst one but I'm not sorry that I'm in love with you! I love you Damon." I say. "I love you so damm much." I say looking into his eyes. "You make me question everything...and I'm fine with that. But I'm no good for you. You make me a better person. You made me feel alive which is something I've never had the chance to have...but I can't just stand here knowing what I'll have to do." I say thinking about my choice. "I'll always love you and I'm sorry for what I'm about to do." I say. He looks at me confused as a tear escapes his eye. I look into his eyes as they dilate. "You will forget everything that I just told you. You will move on with your life and fall in love...and it will be epic." I say with a small smile, wiping away my tears kissing him one last time then standing back and speeding away down the street.

I hear someone blur behind me. "What do you want Stefan?" I choke out looking at him, tears still rolling down my cheeks. "Why and how did you just do that?" He asks. I roll my eyes. "Now is not the time." I breath out turning around. He grabs my arm looking at me. I sigh. "There's something I've been hiding but you can't tell them." I say which he hesitantly nods. "I'm not just the original hybrid as in the first ever I am an original." I reveal. He looks at me shocked. "Elijah told me that he didn't even know that I was an original until I told him which means that..." I say trailing off realising. "That the other originals probably don't know either." He says. I let out a small smile. "Thank God for that." I mutter. "Why did you make him forget?" Stefan asks after a few minutes of silence. I sigh looking at him. "I have to do something...I can't say what...but it was a decision I had to make and I made it..." I say guilty. He looks at me worried. "Amy...what did you do?" He asks. "I can't say..." I mutter. "You'll find out one day." I say nodding. "But if Damon were to trust me again...I would only hurt him more than I have already." I say. "I'm sorry." He admits. I chuckle. "You've been saying that a lot today." He gives me a look and I stop. "If I didn't kiss you then none of this would've happened. You wouldn't have a bad relationship with Elena and Damon wouldn't have been angry at you." He says angry at himself. I put my hand on his arm. "Maybe it wouldn't have...but the thing is...I don't regret any of it." He looks at me. "If I had a chance to go back and change want happened between us I wouldn't." I reveal. He looks at me shocked. "But it will never happen again. I'm sick of being put as second place constantly. " Before he says anything I walk away.

I walk up to my old house. I sigh. Let's see if she'll let me stay here. I walk in and am about to knock on Elena's bedroom door when I see Damon handing Elena her old necklace. Dammit Damon when I said go find your epic love I didn't mean my sister. I roll my eyes leaning against the door. "I have to say something." He says holding her necklace so she won't get it. "Why do you have to say it with my necklace?" Elena challenges. "Because what I'm about to say is probably the most selfish thing I've ever said in my life." He admits. "Damon don't go there." She says letting out a breath. "I just have to say it once you just need to hear it I love you Elena. And it's because I love you that I can't be selfish with you. Why do I keep doing this? I don't deserve you..."He says. Making me close my eyes holding back tears. I open my eyes looking in the crack of the door. "But my brother does." He says nodding. He kisses her on the forehead. "God I wish you didn't have to forget this." He says heartbroken. She looks at him confused. "But you do." He says compelling her and speeds away. Yep I'm definitely not staying here.

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