Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

People stare at me as you walk in with your head down i take my seat in the back of the class in the corner a paper ball hits my desk you open it even though you know you shouldn't you read it. It said "emo slut cut yourself" and a picture of some chick cutting. That's it I'm not taking nicks shit any more I stand up from my seat evert one stares "fuck you nick I hope you rot in hell!" I tell nick I'm sick and tired of him I'm not going to give in I'm not going to be the weak girl anymore "ms Katy what is the meaning of this language!" my teacher yells at me from her desk "this" you say as you tossed her the note she read it nick just shrugged when the teacher looked at him "both of you in my office now!" you grab your bag and walk in the office nick stands up puts his hands I'm his pockets and walks to the office he doesn't care if he gets that is if he ever does he always says I start it or he's just playing well I'm tired of it I'm not going to nod my head like a "good girl" the first time I had the guts to tell on him this is what happened:

"Mr.nick what gives you the to call ms.Katy here a 'slut'" he puts on his I'm sorry face and says "I was just playing I feel really bad I hurt her feelings and I'm really sorry I would never hurt my bestie" he says giving me a glare "oh I didn't realize you two were friends as long as Katy doesn't mind" I just shaked my head and said "no I don't mind he was just playing i was just being sensitive" nick smiles at me as we walk out grabs me by the arm pulls me close and says "don't try that again understand?" I nod my head I was scared "good girl " he said he patted my head I stood there as he walked away did he like me? No thats impossible! Can't happen I ran to the bathroom with my razor in my hand Emma's gonna be pissed I don't care I could use a good cut

Nick p.o.v

It bugs me to bully her she's actually kinda hot wait what am I thinking! I can't love her! I'm her bully I know I'll get her to fall for me use her rape her then dump her ass to the curb I'm so good all the girls want me anyway it won't be that hard unless I fall for her...nah not gonna happen I saw Katy run to the bathroom she was holding something I followed her she went in a stall locked it of course I heard some bvb blasting up and faint cries Katy had good taste in music but why was she crying? I'll just wait for her to come out she can't stay there forever


I was listening to bvb while the cold razor was running down my skin I was crying not cause it hurt but because of what just happened I could have had nick suspended maybe even expelled and I ruined it I'm so stupid. there was a puddle of blood in my hand I decided to stop when the song savior came on so I grabbed my stuff and hid my arm I walk out and someone pinned me against the wall I hissed in pain "what were you doing" nick grabs my arm "let go of me!" I screamed I tried to run but instead he pins me on the floor he takes of my sweater I scream he covers my mouth by shoving some cloth in it he sees my arm and a huge cut on it "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!"


I saw blood smeared on her arm I could tell she did it her self "isn't that what you want me to do?" she told me sounding pissed I let her up "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WOULD LISTEN!" I screamed at her "why do you sound so concerned?" she asked sounding annoyed now "because Katy" I paused "it hurts me to bully you I love you a lot more than I can ever scream" her pretty blue eyes widened "don't mess around with me like that" she said "I'm not I really love you"


He told me he loves me he's joking he can't love me can he? He's my biggest bully I'm not supposed to date him or even be talking to him right now. We both are silent. "I'll give you a choice" he said " I'll stop bullying you forever if you be my girl friend refuse I go back to being a dick" I thought about "can I have time to think?" I asked I can't rush he nods "I've got all day" he says

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