Chapter Three:

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Walking towards Cory's building there is a sense of dread that is finding its way into my soul. It is like a black cloud that is following me. The journal seems to be calling to me to read some more. Though I don't understand why, it's just a journal, nothing special. Well at least that is what it seems like. 

The journal is in good condition as it seems, just a little worn. I quickly rush to the entry door and slide in none to graceful. Yep, I fell to the floor in the entry way for all to see. Thank goodness it was only the man in the corner too busy looking at his paper to notice me. That would of been embarrassing if he did see it. 

I get up as gracefully as possibly and grad the journal with care  and make my way to the elevator. As I enter the elevator I see the man with the paper staring right at me. I give a smile to him which he does not return. Odd. Oh well, I hear the chime the door is opening and I get in and make my way up to Cory's where I will most likely not have an answer for him on jobs or a place to stay. 

I knock on the door to give a heads up that I am here and then start to put the key in the door. Only to have my hand stopped by the man that was in the entryway to the apartment. Startled I drop my keys and shriek. Looking up at the man I see grey eyes. Eyes that are piercing my soul. 

I take a deep breath as the door is wretched open to reveal Cory with wild eyes and ready to fight whoever it was who was there at the door.  Me being me, I jumped into Cory's arms in hopes that the man I saw didn't do anything bad to us. And if he did then it would be both of us and not just me. I'm special like that. 

I look at the man with grey eyes and he is not there, he is not there where he was just seconds ago. Cory looks around to fight the beast that had made me scream only to see nothing but an empty doorway. Great, now I seem crazy. And once again the journal is on the floor. Why can't it stay in my hand where it should be? 

I dismount from Cory and look around again to see if the grey eyed man is around and again, nothing. I grab the journal and turn around to see Cory looking at me with concern in his eyes.

"Before you say anything, there was a man here in the hallway that grabbed my hand and once I shrieked he must have ran away. I don't know what happened to him but there was a man here, you have to believe me."

He looks around once more, then at me and breathes in the saying "Sage, I don't see anyone here are you sure that there was someone?" 

I knew he didn't believe me, I didn't even know if I should believe me, there was a man with grey eyes. He was here and then he left so quickly, who knows what to think. I pass Cody into the apartment only to see Sally with a look of displeasure in her eyes. 

"You know we were watching a movie? One that you ruined with your yelling, and apparently for no reason." She seethes. 

I pass the couch on my way to the kitchen wanting a drink to calm my nerves. I open the refrigerator to find a strong drink only to find a soda. I open it and look out the window. Only to see the same man. He is at the window looking at me. Knowing that I have to explain myself to Cory if I do anything to his kitchen, I slowly put the soda down and walk to the window. Any other sane person would scream and run away. Well, I am curious. He gets closer to the window and breathes on it. Then writes for me to see. Hi. I slowly raise my hand and wave at him. My God, really I am waving at the man who scared me at the front door. He wipes the Hi away and fogs up the window again and writes soon

Soon? What does soon mean? What in the world is he getting at freaking me out then saying soon? I don't like where this is going. I don't get to think much about it because Cory walks in and I know by his steps he wants to talk about it. I take a deep breath turn around and look at him. 

"I'm telling the truth, I don't know who he was or what he wanted with me, but he was there when I was trying to open the door. He touched my hand when the key was going into the door, I screamed, looked in his grey eyes and next thing I know you are opening the door and I rush to you. He was gone by the time we looked again." I say in a panicky breath.

He pauses for a bit as it seems to find the words for what just happened. " I believe you, Sage, but you need to realize, people that are family are going to be around my place because of the wedding." He says tiredly.

I look at him and cave, I don't want to worry him so I shake my head in agreement. "I guess it could of been. Do you or Sally have any family with grey eyes?" 

"Not that I know of, but I could ask around." He says. 

I leave it at that, grab the journal and go to the bathroom to take another shower being that it is bed time and I want to go to sleep after the day I had.

The man said soon, I wonder how soon? And why the heck was he at the window? That is just creepy! I don't think I can get away with something like that. What is up with the grey eyes. I think that is what I will call him.

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