Chapter Four:

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There is a moment in ones life where they start to question everything. Every breath they take, every choice they made, every love they had in their life. Well, today is the day, I am here on the last day before Cory's wedding and I need to find that job. No one in hiring in any of the school districts that I have connections to. I am thinking that my parents put out there not to hire me. Wow, parents can be the worst when they want to.  I am considering going to a retail place to work. I don't think my parents can tell all retail places not to hire me. I have a few connections at Macy's, I will call Silvia tomorrow to see what she could do.

Though right now, I am waiting for my best friend and his fiance to get home and ready for their rehearsal dinner even if  it is a few hours before. It is at some expensive restaurant I'd never go to on my own Le Chat Noir. I am already dressed in my black dress that hangs off the shoulder and a line of sequins along the collar. That is the only bling to my dress, being that I am a plain person. Plus I have spanks to hold everything in and make me look shapely. I have to say I look good. My hair is curled, even with a fight with the curling iron, I won and now have a wavy beach look. I had been looking up YouTube make-up tutorials with my extra time. I am looking good, even with a shattered confidence. I am going to own the rest of today.

I am piddling around the apartment looking at pictures and books trying to pass the time before the two get here and come across the journal lying by the couch I sleep on. I have been trying to stay away from the journal because of that guy I have seen on occasion. Once I found it, there he was. I open the journal with careful hands being that it is old and skim the page.

That man, that man with grey eyes...

What the frick? Grey eyes? man? Who is this person that wrote this? What am I doing with this journal and why the heck did Billy tell me to keep it because it choose me?

I look at the date written on the top of the page.

October 25, 


I must implore you reader to take this with great respect. I did not write this so you could take this lightly. There are many horrible actions that can happen if you don't. That man, that man with grey eyes is not all that he seems. I have talked to him over the course of a few days and he has told me so much, so much that I did not understand. I hope to hear from him soon so I can tell him what I have learned since yesterday.

I jump as the door slams. Sally just got home. Yay me. 

"Bitch, are you ready? It is my night and I am that much closer to getting rid of you!" the Devil says.

"If you must know, yes I am, I was waiting for your slow ass to get home so you can bash on my clothes and hair so you can feel better about yourself." I respond. 

Oh, it feels so great when we can be ourselves when Cory is not around, we don't have to hold back on our hatred for each other.

I go back to the journal hoping to read more when Sally comes into the living room and grimaces when she sees me. 

"I hope you are not wearing that to my rehearsal dinner? I am not going to have trash at my dinner. Go change into something more suitable." Devil lady says

"Well, you are in luck, I am not trash. I am wearing this to your dinner and I am not changing, I worked hard to look like this and I think I look good. So tough, Sally, you are going to deal with what I have on." I reply.

What does he see in her???? My goodness, I think there are other people in this world that are better attitude wise and he chooses her. Blek. 

I stand up and start for the kitchen when she grabs my arm in a firm grip, enough to leave a bruise later. She looks at me dead in the eye with enough malice to make even my heartless mother to cower. "You will not mess this night up for me with your stupid guy you claim is watching you or grabbing you, Sage. You will behave, and we will get through this and you will forever be out of Cory's life."

"Whoa, just because he is marrying you does not mean I am out of his life." I yell and yank my arm out of her grip.

She is about to reply when we hear the jingle of keys. We both separate just as the door pops open. There is a tense silence as Cory walks into the room.

"There are my ladies, I hope you are getting along, we have a long night ahead of us and we will need each other to get through the family and wedding bliss. " 

I look to Sally and simply shrug then go to the kitchen where I wanted to go originally before Sally grabbed me. I checked to see if my arm would show damage from her grip. Damn, she is mighty for her stick size. There is a welt already forming. Just great, how am I supposed to cover this up?

I go to the living room where I can look through my clothes. "Ugh, go to your guys room! I want to have this moment to myself without the love." I sigh disgustingly. 

I go to my suitcase and look for a shawl I should have in there. It is plain black perfect for what I am going for. Plain but sexy. I turn around and they are still in the room looking at me. 

Cory looks mad where Sally just looks annoyed. In two steps Cory is in front of me taking my shawl off looking at my arm. "Who did this to you?" He commands. 

I look at Sally to have a deer in headlights look. Instead of causing more animosity between us I lie.

"You know that guy with grey eyes I was talking about? Well, it was him." I quiver under his watchful eyes. 

He releases my arm in anger and slowly turns away walking towards his room. He turns before he gets to the door and says "When you are ready to tell the truth, talk to me, I will not be lied to."

How in the heck did he know I lied? I look to Sally and she only shrugs then goes to the same door Cory just went through.

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