Season one Episode eight: Robo Dodgeball Paw

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Scamp Draken

Season one Episode eight: Robo Dodgeball Paw


Johnny test instrumental theme for season one played during the song that would later become the intro theme; Scamp Draken as a male singer began to sing it.

A countdown began when the song started. "Drake Drake Drake. (Countdown ends) Scamp Draken. (Go go go!) He's (Scamp appears on the screen) action packed and (Scamp puts a jetpack on) turbo charged ready to blast. (Danny slides up to Scamp, who catches him) Best friend's a Dalmatian and they love to live fast (Scamp flies off while holding Danny). His (Annette is seen experimenting on something) sister Annette has him for (Scamp dashes in and takes a microchip off of Annette) crazy experiments. Check out a (Scamp eats the microchip) day in the life of Scamp Draken (Scamp gets a superhero costume and launches fire from his paw). (Go go go!)"

Scamp was seen skating through the town as the song continued. "His town's full of people who (Scamp pulls up a mega buster) faced life changing stuff. (Scamp shoots a crazy communist) Which is a lot worse than it seems with this bluff. (Scamp skates past Angel) His crush is an orphaned (Scamp skates back up to Angel and tries to look cool) Pomeranian. Check out (Lucy skates by and dumps a soda on Scamp's head) a day in the (Scamp skates after Lucy as Angel giggles) life of Scamp Draken."

The song continued with Scamp's upcoming enemy's being shown, starting with the mole king. "Mole kings, (A crazy barber is shown) barbers, (Two secret agents are seen putting special collars on Scamp's family's necks) secret agent friends. (A crazy clown is shown juggling chainsaws at a carnival) Psycho clowns, (A veteran is shown in the middle of a hardware store with a machete) veterans, (A German Shepherd motocross driver is seen with a doll of a female about two years younger than Scamp, pushing Scamp down and making him worry) motocross trends. (A crazy scientist is shown) Scientists, (A supermarket manager is shown) supermarkets, (A psycho chef is shown) head chopping chefs."

The song was about to wrap up with this final verse, with it starting off with Scamp playing video games. "Just another day in the life of a dude; (Scamp is seen crashing a party with a boombox) who likes to party hard and skate while nude; (Scamp is seen skating through town) then again he's a terrier pup; (Scamp jumps onto a fence) but even then he has the world cup; (Danny is seen running from a psycho barber as Scamp lends him his paw) for dealing with all of these crazies; (Scamp and Danny smile to each other with Danny grabbing Scamp's paw) who Buster started because he's a baby; (Scamp and Danny are seen singing at a concert) he's Scamp Dra-ken!"

Danny smashed his guitar as Scamp dropped his microphone, giving a peace sign to the audience. "Whoo!" Angel rolled her eyes while smiling as she hit the lights and the title of the show was shown.


Lucy was seen out on the dodgeball field as she spun the ball on her finger, looking at her competition with a laugh. "This is gonna be a cynch." With a swift throw, Lucy hit one of her opponents smack on the forehead; putting the words Lucy Crasheo on his forehead. Upon catching the ball and tossing it again, she even managed to intimidate another opponent into ducking to dodge the ball. This backfired however, as the ball bounced off the wall and back over and hit her smack on the back and Lucy caught the ball "Anyone else want a piece of me!?"

Scamp and Danny were seen at the bleachers with Scamp playing video games and Danny watching the match in worry. "There's no way you're gonna beat her Scamp. She's wiped out every jock, tomboy, and athlete in the school."

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